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Key to Lythrum
4 Leaves linear, averaging 5-10× as long as wide; stems erect; [widespread in coastal plain | |
3 Leaves opposite or sub-opposite on the lower stem, alternate above. | |
6 Annual; flowers present in nodes more-or-less throughout the plant; flowers homostylous, all alike, the stamens always included | |
6 Perennial by basal stoloniferous outshoots; flowers present only at upper nodes; flowers heterostylous (either with an exserted style and included stamens, or vice versa) | |
7 Floral tube 3-4 mm long; petals 2-3 mm long; calyx appendages about the same length as the calyx lobes; branch leaves abruptly and definitely reduced in size relative to the stem leaves, and widely spaced; [of sw. GA southward] | |
7 Floral tube 5-6 mm long; petals 5-6 mm long; calyx appendages about 2× as long as the calyx lobes; branch leaves gradually reduced relative to the stem leaves, dense and overlapping; [collectively widespread in our area]. | |
8 Plants green or slightly glaucous; leaves 7-15 mm wide. | |
9 Leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, widest at a point 1/3 to 2/3 of the way from the base to the apex, the base cuneate, often narrowly so; stems stout, to 13 dm tall; bracteoles mostly on the upper pedicel, immediately below the floral tube |