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Key to Anatherum
2 Upper lemma of the sessile spikelet with an awn 0-6 (-11) mm long; rhizomes well-developed, creeping, with internodes often > 20 mm long; ligule (0.9-) 3.0-4.5 mm long; anthers > 3.8 mm long; inflorescences densely long-villous with white to yellow hairs, the axes somewhat obscured by the density of hairs; [western edge of our area, rarely introduced eastwards] | |
1 Pedicellate spikelet sterile, vestigial or absent; sessile spikelets < 7 mm long; [section Leptopogon]. | |
4 Ligule membrane (0.9-) 1.5 (-2.0) mm long, with cilia 0-0.2 mm long; leaf blades usually (33-) avg. 40 (-75) cm long; pubescence beneath raceme sheaths moderate to dense; raceme sheaths (2.0-) 2.4-3.6 (-4.4) cm long, (1.3-) 2.0-2.5 (-3.0) mm wide | |
4 Ligule membrane (0.2-) 0.4 (-0.5) mm long, with cilia 0.3-1.2 mm long; leaf blades (12-) avg. 19 (-38) cm long; pubescence beneath raceme sheaths absent to dense; raceme sheaths (2.1-) 2.9-4.3 (-6.0) cm long, (2.7-) 3.1-3.8 (-5.5) mm wide. | |
5 Summit of branchlet below attachment of raceme sheath pubescent with hairs 2-4 mm long; raceme sheaths (2.4-) 3.2-4.8 (-6.0) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.5-3.9 (-4.4) mm long; racemes (1.5-) 2.0-3.0 (-4.0) cm long; leaves 2.5-6.5 mm wide, averaging 5 mm; upper floret lemma awn 0.9-2.1 mm long, averaging 1.4 mm | |
6 Upper culm sheaths distinctly broadened and strongly overlapping, obscuring at least some of the raceme sheaths before senescence, occasionally with few to many raceme sheaths strongly exserted; culms mostly < 1 m tall (to 1.4 m
tall). | |
7 Faces of basal leaf sheaths appressed-pubescent, ≥ 2.4 mm wide from keel to keel; basal leaf blades ≥ 2.0 mm wide unfolded, not difficult to unfold; widest upper culm sheaths ≥ 6.6 mm wide when unrolled; rachis internode ≥ 3.8 mm long; pedicel ≥ 5.6 mm long; [well-drained uplands throughout the southeastern U.S.] | |
7 Faces of basal leaf sheaths glabrous, ≤ 2.6 mm wide from keel to keel; basal leaf blades ≤ 2.2 mm wide unfolded, very difficult to unfold; widest upper culm sheaths ≤ 6.3 mm wide when unrolled; rachis internode ≤ 3.8 mm long; pedicel ≤ 5.6 mm long; [hyperseasonal, occasionally to rarely saturated soils of dry to mesic flatwoods, savannas, and subtropical grasslands of the extreme southeastern Coastal Plain] | |
10 Inflorescence branches arching outward in pronounced curves; racemes (1.2-) 1.5-2.1 (-2.6) cm long; lemma awns (2-) avg. 7 (-11) mm long; spikelets (4.1-) 4.4-4.6 (-5.0) mm long | |
10 Inflorescence branches erect; racemes (2.2-) 2.5-6 cm long; lemma awns 5-20 mm long; spikelets (3.8-) 4.4-6.5 (-7.5) mm long. | |
11 Stems < 0.9 m tall; leaves < 2 mm wide; some racemes usually fully included within raceme sheaths at maturity on peduncles < 10 mm long; anthers often marcescent | |
11 Stems > 1 m tall; leaves usually > 3 mm wide; racemes rarely included within raceme sheaths at maturity, peduncles rarely < 15 mm long; anthers rarely marcescent. | |
12 Leaf sheaths smooth or nearly so; inflorescence units usually 3-50 per culm; [of various habitats]. | |
13 Sessile spikelets 4-5 mm long; lemma awns mostly 5-10 mm long; rachis internode pubescence more or less evenly distributed along the internode; inflorescence peduncles mostly less than 9 cm long. | |
15 First glume 2-3 nerved between the keels, its surface moderately to densely scabridulous; raceme internodes with longest hairs 3-6 mm long, not obscuring the spikelets; lemma awns mostly less than 18 mm long; pedicellate spikelets evident, 2-4 mm long. | |
17 Inflorescence units with 2-5 (-7) racemes; raceme sheaths (1.5-) 2.0-4.8 (-6.3) mm wide; hairs of the rachis internode and pedicel gray to whitish when dry. | |
20 Racemes (2.0-) 2.5-3.7 (-4.5) cm long; [of upland xeric, sandy habitats, s. GA southwards] | |
20 Racemes (1.0-) 1.7-2.5 (-3.5) cm long; [of wetland habitats, at least seasonally saturated, collectively widespread in our area]. | |
22 Culms usually > 1.2 m tall; leaf blades often > 30 cm long and > 3 mm wide; inflorescence units usually > 20/culm. | |
23 Inflorescence branches arching outward in pronounced curves; awn mostly < 1 cm long; spikelets (4.1-) 4.4-4.6 (-5.0) mm long; anther > 1.7 mm long | |
23 Inflorescence branches erect; awn mostly >1 cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.8 (-4.5) mm long; anther < 1.5 mm long. | |
22 Culms < 1.2 m tall; leaf blades < 30 cm long and < 3 mm wide; inflorescence units rarely > 20/culm. | |
25 Raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.6 (-4.0) mm long; leaf blades (2.5-) 3.6 (-5.5) mm wide | |
25 Raceme sheaths (2.6-) 4.9-7.9 (-9.5) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.4-5.1 (-5.5) mm long; leaf blades (0.8-) 1.8-2.0 (-3.0) mm wide. | |
26 Ligules (0.2-) 0.4 (-0.5) mm long, with cilia (0.1-) 0.2-0.8 mm long; spikelets (4-) 4.8-5.0 (5.5) mm long; racemes 2 per inflorescence unit | |
26 Ligules (0.4-) 0.6-1.1 (-1.5) mm long, with cilia 0-0.3 mm long; spikelets (3-) 3.4-5.1 (-5.5) mm long; racemes 2-4 per inflorescence unit. | |
30 Inflorescences oblong to obpyramidal; spikelets (3.8-) 4.1-4.4 (-5.0) mm long; anthers usually not marcescent within spikelet; mature peduncles (4 -) 11-35 (-60) mm long (usually some of them > 10 mm long) | |
30 Inflorescences (linear to) oblong; spikelets (3.4-) 3.6-3.8 (-4.6) mm long; anthers usually marcescent within spikelets; mature peduncles (2-) 3-5 (-8) mm long | |
31 Raceme sheaths (2-) 2.4-4.6 (-6.7) cm × 1.5-4.5 (-6.0) mm. | |
32 Leaves glabrous. | |
34 Culm internodes green (or glaucous just below the node only); raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long, (1.7-) 2.4-3.1 (-4.0) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 4-9 (-30) mm long; racemes 2 (-3) per inflorescence unit | |
34 Culm internodes glaucous; raceme sheaths (2.8-) 3.3-7.9 (-9.5) cm long, (1.5-) 2.5-4.3 (-5.2) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 3-25 (-50) mm long; racemes 2-4 (-7) per inflorescence unit, at least some inflorescence units (especially at culm and branch apices) with 3 or more racemes. | |
35 Stems < 1 m tall; inflorescence units < 14 per stem; spikelets (3.5-) 4.0-4.5 (-5.2 mm long; raceme sheaths (4.0-) 4.9-7.9 (-9.5) cm long, (1.5-) 2.5-4.3 (-5.0) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 5-25 (-50) mm long; racemes 2-4 per inflorescence unit | |
35 Stems > 1 m tall; inflorescence units usually > 14 per stem; spikelets (3.0-) 3.5-3.7 (-4.2) mm long; raceme sheaths (2.8-) 3.3-4.7 (-6.7) cm long, (3.0-) 3.2-3.8 (-5.2) mm wide; peduncles (2-) 3-4 (-6) mm long; racemes 2-4 (-7) per inflorescence unit, at least some inflorescence units (especially at culm and branch apices) with 3 or more racemes | |
38 Raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long, (1.7-) 2.4-3.1 (-4.0) mm wide; racemes 2 (3) per inflorescence unit; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.6 (-4.0) mm long | |
38 Raceme sheaths (2.3-) 3.4-5.2 (-6.7) cm long, (2.7-) 3.3-4.0 (-5.5) mm wide; racemes 2-5 (-7) per inflorescence unit; spikelets (2.9-) 3.7-3.9 (-4.7) mm long |
Key to Andropogon
2 Upper lemma of the sessile spikelet with an awn 0-6 (-11) mm long; rhizomes well-developed, creeping, with internodes often > 20 mm long; ligule (0.9-) 3.0-4.5 mm long; anthers > 3.8 mm long; inflorescences densely long-villous with white to yellow hairs, the axes somewhat obscured by the density of hairs; [western edge of our area, rarely introduced eastwards] | |
1 Pedicellate spikelet sterile, vestigial or absent; sessile spikelets < 7 mm long; [section Leptopogon]. | |
4 Ligule membrane (0.9-) 1.5 (-2.0) mm long, with cilia 0-0.2 mm long; leaf blades usually (33-) avg. 40 (-75) cm long; pubescence beneath raceme sheaths moderate to dense; raceme sheaths (2.0-) 2.4-3.6 (-4.4) cm long, (1.3-) 2.0-2.5 (-3.0) mm wide | |
4 Ligule membrane (0.2-) 0.4 (-0.5) mm long, with cilia 0.3-1.2 mm long; leaf blades (12-) avg. 19 (-38) cm long; pubescence beneath raceme sheaths absent to dense; raceme sheaths (2.1-) 2.9-4.3 (-6.0) cm long, (2.7-) 3.1-3.8 (-5.5) mm wide. | |
5 Summit of branchlet below attachment of raceme sheath pubescent with hairs 2-4 mm long; raceme sheaths (2.4-) 3.2-4.8 (-6.0) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.5-3.9 (-4.4) mm long; racemes (1.5-) 2.0-3.0 (-4.0) cm long; leaves 2.5-6.5 mm wide, averaging 5 mm; upper floret lemma awn 0.9-2.1 mm long, averaging 1.4 mm | |
6 Upper culm sheaths distinctly broadened and strongly overlapping, often largely hiding the raceme sheaths before senescence (but in some forms with the raceme sheaths strongly exserted); culms mostly < 1 m tall (to 1.4 m tall) | |
9 Inflorescence branches arching outward in pronounced curves; racemes (1.2-) 1.5-2.1 (-2.6) cm long; lemma awns (2-) avg. 7 (-11) mm long; spikelets (4.1-) 4.4-4.6 (-5.0) mm long | |
9 Inflorescence branches erect; racemes (2.2-) 2.5-6 cm long; lemma awns 5-20 mm long; spikelets (3.8-) 4.4-6.5 (-7.5) mm long. | |
10 Stems < 0.9 m tall; leaves < 2 mm wide; some racemes usually fully included within raceme sheaths at maturity on peduncles < 10 mm long; anthers often marcescent | |
10 Stems > 1 m tall; leaves usually > 3 mm wide; racemes rarely included within raceme sheaths at maturity, peduncles rarely < 15 mm long; anthers rarely marcescent. | |
11 Leaf sheaths smooth or nearly so; inflorescence units usually 3-50 per culm; [of various habitats]. | |
12 Sessile spikelets 4-5 mm long; lemma awns mostly 5-10 mm long; rachis internode pubescence more or less evenly distributed along the internode; inflorescence peduncles mostly less than 9 cm long. | |
14 First glume 2-3 nerved between the keels, its surface moderately to densely scabridulous; raceme internodes with longest hairs 3-6 mm long, not obscuring the spikelets; lemma awns mostly less than 18 mm long; pedicellate spikelets evident, 2-4 mm long. | |
16 Inflorescence units with 2-5 (-7) racemes; raceme sheaths (1.5-) 2.0-4.8 (-6.3) mm wide; hairs of the rachis internode and pedicel gray to whitish when dry. | |
19 Racemes (2.0-) 2.5-3.7 (-4.5) cm long; [of upland xeric, sandy habitats, s. GA southwards] | |
19 Racemes (1.0-) 1.7-2.5 (-3.5) cm long; [of wetland habitats, at least seasonally saturated, collectively widespread in our area]. | |
21 Culms usually > 1.2 m tall; leaf blades often > 30 cm long and > 3 mm wide; inflorescence units usually > 20/culm. | |
22 Inflorescence branches arching outward in pronounced curves; awn mostly < 1 cm long; spikelets (4.1-) 4.4-4.6 (-5.0) mm long; anther > 1.7 mm long | |
22 Inflorescence branches erect; awn mostly >1 cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.8 (-4.5) mm long; anther < 1.5 mm long. | |
21 Culms < 1.2 m tall; leaf blades < 30 cm long and < 3 mm wide; inflorescence units rarely > 20/culm. | |
24 Raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.6 (-4.0) mm long; leaf blades (2.5-) 3.6 (-5.5) mm wide | |
24 Raceme sheaths (2.6-) 4.9-7.9 (-9.5) cm long; spikelets (3.0-) 3.4-5.1 (-5.5) mm long; leaf blades (0.8-) 1.8-2.0 (-3.0) mm wide. | |
25 Ligules (0.2-) 0.4 (-0.5) mm long, with cilia (0.1-) 0.2-0.8 mm long; spikelets (4-) 4.8-5.0 (5.5) mm long; racemes 2 per inflorescence unit | |
25 Ligules (0.4-) 0.6-1.1 (-1.5) mm long, with cilia 0-0.3 mm long; spikelets (3-) 3.4-5.1 (-5.5) mm long; racemes 2-4 per inflorescence unit. | |
29 Inflorescences oblong to obpyramidal; spikelets (3.8-) 4.1-4.4 (-5.0) mm long; anthers usually not marcescent within spikelet; mature peduncles (4 -) 11-35 (-60) mm long (usually some of them > 10 mm long) | |
29 Inflorescences (linear to) oblong; spikelets (3.4-) 3.6-3.8 (-4.6) mm long; anthers usually marcescent within spikelets; mature peduncles (2-) 3-5 (-8) mm long | |
30 Raceme sheaths (2-) 2.4-4.6 (-6.7) cm × 1.5-4.5 (-6.0) mm. | |
31 Leaves glabrous. | |
33 Culm internodes green (or glaucous just below the node only); raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long, (1.7-) 2.4-3.1 (-4.0) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 4-9 (-30) mm long; racemes 2 (-3) per inflorescence unit | |
33 Culm internodes glaucous; raceme sheaths (2.8-) 3.3-7.9 (-9.5) cm long, (1.5-) 2.5-4.3 (-5.2) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 3-25 (-50) mm long; racemes 2-4 (-7) per inflorescence unit, at least some inflorescence units (especially at culm and branch apices) with 3 or more racemes. | |
34 Stems < 1 m tall; inflorescence units < 14 per stem; spikelets (3.5-) 4.0-4.5 (-5.2 mm long; raceme sheaths (4.0-) 4.9-7.9 (-9.5) cm long, (1.5-) 2.5-4.3 (-5.0) mm wide; peduncles (1-) 5-25 (-50) mm long; racemes 2-4 per inflorescence unit | |
34 Stems > 1 m tall; inflorescence units usually > 14 per stem; spikelets (3.0-) 3.5-3.7 (-4.2) mm long; raceme sheaths (2.8-) 3.3-4.7 (-6.7) cm long, (3.0-) 3.2-3.8 (-5.2) mm wide; peduncles (2-) 3-4 (-6) mm long; racemes 2-4 (-7) per inflorescence unit, at least some inflorescence units (especially at culm and branch apices) with 3 or more racemes | |
37 Raceme sheaths (2.2-) 2.5-3.8 (-4.5) cm long, (1.7-) 2.4-3.1 (-4.0) mm wide; racemes 2 (3) per inflorescence unit; spikelets (3.0-) 3.3-3.6 (-4.0) mm long | |
37 Raceme sheaths (2.3-) 3.4-5.2 (-6.7) cm long, (2.7-) 3.3-4.0 (-5.5) mm wide; racemes 2-5 (-7) per inflorescence unit; spikelets (2.9-) 3.7-3.9 (-4.7) mm long |