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Key to Zephyranthes

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1 Perianth bright red; flowers 2-4 (-6) per scape
1 Perianth white, pink, yellow, or yellowish-orange; flowers 1 per scape.
    3 Perianth white (to pinkish).
      4 Perianth 3-4.5 cm long; perianth tube 1-4 mm long, shorter than the spathe; perianth tube shorter than the filaments
      4 Perianth (7.3-) 9-14 (-16) cm long; perianth tube 70-130 mm long, longer than the spathe; perianth tube longer than the filaments.
        5 Stigma 2 mm or more above the anthers
          6 Perianth tube shorter than the filaments of the stamens.
             7 Stamens in 2 sets of different lengths; [exotic, known to be naturalized in AL, FL, and MS]
             7 Stamens all of similar length; [native, of LA and TX]
          6 Perianth tube longer than the filaments of the stamens.
               8 Perianth tube 8-10× as long as the stamen filaments; perianth tube longer than the spathe
               8 Perianth tube 1.5-5× as long as the stamen filaments; perianth tube shorter than the spathe.
  2 Stigmas 3 (trifid).
                   10 Stamen filaments of 4 different lengths; flowers slightly bilaterally symmetrical.
                     11 Perianth 2.1-3.1 cm long, yellow to orange-yellow; leaves to 6 mm wide
                   10 Stamen filaments of 2 lengths, or equal; flowers radially symmetrical
                       12 Perianth tube 2-4 mm long; perianth 27-46 mm long; [exotics, waifs from horticultural use].
                          13 Perianth white (sometimes with a flush of pink on the lower surface); tepal series differing in orientation, the petals erect, the sepals spreading
                       12 Perianth tube 8-40 mm long; perianth 40-110 mm long; [natives, in natural or semi-natural habitats].
                            14 Stamen filaments 0.1-0.2 mm long; perianth tube 3-4 (-4.7) cm in length, the stigmas included
                            14 Stamen filaments (1.5-) 1.6-4.4 (-4.7) cm long; perianth tube 0.2-3.3 (-4) cm in length, the stigmas exserted.
                                16 Style and stigma as long as or shorter than the anthers; perianth segments erect-ascending at full anthesis, (4-) 4.3-8.5 (-10) cm long
                                16 Style and stigmas extending beyond the anthers; perianth segments spreading at full anthesis, (5.5-) 6.6-9.5 (-11) cm long.
                                  17 Mature leaves concave, 3-8 mm wide; perianth tube (0.8-) 1-2 (-2.1) cm long; filaments > 1.5× as long as the perianth tube
                                  17 Mature leaves grooved, 1-4 mm wide; perianth tube usually (1.7-) 2-3 (-3.1) cm long; filaments < 1.5× as long as the perianth tube