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Key to Amyris

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1 Leaflet blades 1-3 cm long; petiolules of the lateral leaflets 0-4 mm long; leaflet margins crenate (to entire); leaflet apex obtuse or rounded; [se. and s. TX].
  2 Leaves pinnately 5-11-foliolate; leaves opposite or subopposite; leaf surfaces puberulent
  2 Leaves palmately 3-foliolate; leaves alternate; leaf surfaces glabrous
1 Leaflet blades 2-8 cm long (at least the larger on a plant > 3 cm long); petiolules of the lateral leaflets > 8 mm long; leaflet margins entire; leaflet apex usually acuminate; [peninsular FL].
    3 Inflorescence puberulent; ovary puberulent, stalked; drupe ellipsoid, 9-14 mm long; leaflets 3-5 (-7); leaflet blades 4-8 cm long, mostly > 5 cm long
    3 Inflorescence glabrous; ovary glabrous, sessile; drupe spherical, 5-8 mm long; leaflets 3 (-5); leaflet blades 2-7 cm long, mostly < 5 cm long