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Key to Penstemon
1 Cauline leaves bipinnatifid (or merely deeply pinnatifid); basal leaves sessile; [endemic to GA]; [section Dissecti] | |
3 Stems hairy; leaves not glaucous, hairy or not; corolla glandular-puberulent externally and internally in the throat; [section Cristati] | |
5 Inflorescence with many nodes; anther cells dehiscing by short proximal slits; [s. GA south to s. FL] | |
5 Inflorescence with <10 nodes; anther cells dehiscing their entire length; [collectively widespread]. | |
6 Corolla weakly bilabiate, white, unlined, glandular-puberulent within; stem leaves abruptly reduced upwards | |
7 Mid and upper stem (but below the inflorescence) glabrous or with short eglandular hairs distributed in patches or lines; lower lobes of the corolla essentially equaling the upper lobes; corolla throat not strongly 2-ridged within, the tube conspicuously dilated into the throat; [Penstemon digitalis complex]. | |
8 Corolla 20-35 mm long. | |
9 Corollas white with purple lines; sepals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 4.5-6.5 mm long at anthesis; anthers with several to many hairs | |
7 Mid and upper stem (but below the inflorescence) pubescent throughout, consisting of short eglandular hairs and sometimes also with an overstory of longer glandular hairs; lower lobes of the corolla projecting beyond the upper lobes; corolla throat strongly 2-ridged on its floor, the tube also slightly to moderately dilated into the throat. | |
12 Stem vestiture (mid and upper stem, but below the inflorescence) of short eglandular hairs only (or rarely also with a few glandular hairs in P. smallii). | |
14 Corollas 28-35 mm long, lavender, violet, or purple; staminodes 15-18 mm long, densely bearded in the upper 13-15 mm; largest leaf blades mostly 30-60 mm wide | |
14 Corollas 10-16 mm long, pale lavender, pink, violet, or almost white; staminodes 7-9 mm long, densely bearded in the upper 4-5 mm; largest leaf blades mostly 10-40 mm wide. | |
15 Leaves mostly 30-40 mm wide; corolla pale-lavender to whitish, usually strongly lined with dark purple; sepals linear-attenuate; [plants of dry to mesic calcareous uplands, of ne. AL and se. TN] | |
15 Leaves mostly 10-30 mm wide; corolla lavender, pink, or violet, inconspicuously lined with reddish-purple; sepals ovate-lanceolate; [plants of wetlands, of MS, LA, and westwards] | |
12 Stem vestiture (mid and upper stem, but below the inflorescence) of a mixture of long glandular hairs and short eglandular hairs. | |
17 Corollas lined; inflorescence branches erect-ascending, nearly paralleling the inflorescence axes | |
17 Corollas unlined; inflorescence branches spreading-ascending, obviously diverging from the vertical inflorescence axis; [Penstemon hirsutus complex]. | |
18 Corollas tinged with purplish-violet, the lobes often white; leaves sparsely pubescent to glabrate, the pubescence often mainly restricted to the veins | |
19 Leaves puberulent or retrorsely hairy; stem leaf blades 3-8× as long as wide | |
16 Corolla throats open, not as described above (except sometimes nearly closed in P. australis); corollas lined, at least internally; [Penstemon canescens complex]. | |
23 Inflorescence branches erect-ascending, nearly paralleling the inflorescence axes; sepals 4-5.2 mm long; corollas 20-25 mm long; corolla:calyx length ratio 4-5; cauline leaf pairs 5-8 | |
23 Inflorescence branches spreading-ascending, obviously diverging from the vertical inflorescence axis; sepals 3.2-4.5 mm long; corollas 20-30 mm long; corolla:calyx length ratio 7-9; cauline leaf pairs 3-7 |