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Key to Sapindus

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1 Upper (adaxial) surface of petal lacking a basal appendage, or only with tufts of hairs near the margin of the petal above the claw; freeze-intolerant, evergreen or only briefly deciduous just before the new flush of leaves, shoots lacking foliaceous cataphylls (only non-foliaceous bud scales present); flowering (Aug-) Sep-Mar (-Apr); [s. peninsular FL].
1 Upper (adaxial) surface of petal with 2 densely pilose appendages 0.1–1.5 mm long arising near the petal blade base or claw apex (appendage rarely absent in S. drummondii); freeze-tolerant, winter deciduous, in the following spring new shoots with 2-3 oblong to obovate green, foliaceous cataphylls; flowering (Feb-) Apr-Jul; [collectively widespread in the Coastal Plain from e. SC to n. FL and west to s. TX, also extending northwards into the Interior Highlands and southern Plains west of the Mississippi River]
  2 Petiolule and leaflet base along midrib abaxially sparsely to moderately pubescent to glabrous; leaflets 6-14 (-16), the blade 1.5-8.5 cm wide, 2.5-6× as long as wide; mature mericarps 14-25 mm wide; seeds 9-15 mm wide; germination epigeal and phanerocotylar, the first true leaves compound; [MS and eastwards]
  2 Petiolule and leaflet base along midrib abaxially densely villous to glabrous; leaflets 10-20, the blades 0.6-3 cm wide, 2.5-17× as long as wide; mature mericarps 8-16 mm wide; seeds 6-10 mm wide; germination hypogeal and cryptocotylar, the first true leaves simple; [MO, AR, and LA and westwards].
    3 Leaves densely villous to villous-pubescent abaxially along the petiolule and midrib basally; [MO, KS, se. CO and NM south to e. LA, c. TX, AZ, and nc. Mexico]
    3 Leaves glabrous, glabrate, to sparsely puberulent abaxially along the petiolule and midrib basally; [s. TX southwards and southwards into ne. and e. Mexico]