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Key to Didymoglossum

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1 Leaves 1-2× pinnately compound or lobed, with distinctly pinnate venation
1 Leaves entire to irregularly and palmately lobed, with palmate to slightly pinnate venation.
  2 Leaf margins fringed with paired disclike scales; soral involucres 5-15 per leaf; leaf blades 2 cells thick between the veins
  2 Leaf margins fringed with dark stellate hairs; soral involucres 1-6 per leaf; leaf blades 1 cell thick between the veins.
    3 Midvein extending to the apex of the leaf blade; involucral lips not distinct from the blade in color; leaves usually < 1 cm long; soral involucres usually 1 per leaf; [widespread in our area]
    3 Midvein absent or not extending past the midpoint of the leaf blade; involucral lips dark-margined; soral involucres 1-6 per leaf; [of FL peninsula].
      4 Leaves 1-3 cm long; soral involucres not flaring at mouth