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1 Leaves opposite (or apparently whorled in A. quadrifolia). | |
3 Leaf-bearing nodes 3-4, the upper and lower opposite, the middle with a whorl of 4 leaves | |
4 Follicle smooth. | |
5 Lower leaf surface pubescent. | |
7 Leaves lanceolate, 4-10× as long as wide. | |
8 Leaves coriaceous, 3-10 cm long, 1.5-4.5 cm wide; [of dry upland situations] | |
8 Leaves herbaceous, 6-15 cm long, 2-7 cm wide; [of moist to wetland situations]. | |
12 Lower leaf surface densely puberulent; [primarily of moist to wet habitats] | |
14 Leaves with subcordate, truncate, or broadly rounded bases; [ne. FL to s. peninsular FL] | |
14 Leaves with cuneate or rounded bases; [widespread in our area, but not ne. FL and peninsular FL] |