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Key to Eurybia, Key C: Eurybia asters XXX

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1 Leaves obviously veined beneath, usually toothed, hairy on the undersurface; [subgenus Eurybia, section Radulini].
  2 Larger leaves < 2.5 (-3.6) cm wide; rays purple; [of w. VA, WV, northward]
  2 Larger leaves > 4.0 cm wide; rays white to pale purple; [of the Cumberland Plateau of KY and n. TN]
1 Leaves very obscurely veined beneath, entire or nearly so, glabrous on the undersurface; [subgenus Eurybia, section Calliastrum].
    3 Ray florets 9-14; rays 5-15 mm long
    3 Ray florets 15-35; rays 10-25 mm long.
      4 Phyllaries slightly or not at all glandular-pubescent on the back (sometimes glandular-ciliate); involucre 7-12 mm high