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Key to Apiaceae, Key B: Apiaceae with 1-palmate leaves

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1 Leaflets narrowly lanceolate or linear, > 8× as long as wide, entire; umbels compound and regular, the rays and pedicels each of relatively uniform lengths; leaves 3-5-foliolate.
  2 Fruit 2-3 mm long; leaves 1-5-foliolate; [of calcareous or rich moist to wet areas, AL and TN and westward]
  2 Fruit 3-5 mm long; leaves 1-3-foliolate; [of saturated acid wetlands, of the FL Panhandle, e. GA, e. SC, e. NC, and e. VA]
1 Leaflets ovate, obovate, broadly lanceolate, or broadly oblanceolate, 1-5× as long as wide, serrate or variously incised or cleft; umbels compound and irregular, the rays and/or pedicels of widely varying lengths; leaves 3-7-foliolate.
    3 Rays 3-8, the involucre absent or inconspicuous; umbellets with 3-10 pedicellate perfect flowers; fruits linear-oblong, glabrous; leaves 3-foliolate, the lateral leaflets often 2-parted; corollas white
    3 Rays few, the involucre of prominent, broad, foliaceous bracts; umbellets with 3 sessile to subsessile or short-pedicellate perfect flowers and a variable number of pedicellate staminate flowers; fruits ovoid, obovoid, or subglobose, covered with uncinate bristles; leaves palmately 3-7-foliolate, the lateral sometimes 2-parted; corollas greenish-white, yellowish-green, or white