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Key J1: woody plants with opposite, simple, palmately or pinnately lobed leaves

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  2 Leaves harshly scabrous on the upper surface; leaves typically a mix of alternate, opposite, and whorled
  2 Leaves glabrous or glabrescent on the upper surface; leaves strictly opposite
    3 Plants climbing by twining; stems with retrorse prickles; foliage scabrous
    3 Plants erect trees or shrubs; stems not prickly; foliage smooth or pubescent, but not scabrous.
      4 Leaves 3-9-lobed, the margins generally serrate or sublobed; fruit either a drupe or a schizocarp of 2 samaroid mericarps (maple “keys”).
        5 Fruit a schizocarp of 2 samaroid mericarps (maple “keys”); stamens (4-) 8 (-12); small to large trees; petioles >1× as long as the leaf blade
        5 Fruit a drupe; stamens 5; shrubs; petioles < ¾× as long as the leaf blade
      4 Leaves 3-lobed, the margins entire; fruit a capsule.
          6 Flowers white to yellow; capsules linear, >10× as long as wide; leaf undersurface with curly simple hairs; nectar glands present in the main vein axils on the undersurface of the leaf (visible from the underside or the upperside in fresh leaves and herbarium specimens)
          6 Flowers lavender; pods ellipsoid, < 2× as long as wide; leaf undersurface with branched (dendritic) stellate hairs; nectar glands absent