Click the number at the start of a key lead to highlight both that lead and its corresponding lead. Click again to show only the two highlighted leads. Click a third time to return to the full key with the selected leads still highlighted.
1 Leaves about as wide as long, rounded at the tip |
1 Leaves longer than wide, obtuse , acute, or acuminate at the tip. |
2 Flowers double, the corolla deeply divided into many parts; [garden escape, occasionally naturalized] |
2 Flowers not double, corolla entire. |
3 Calyx not concealed by 2 large bracts (the bracts small and on the pedicel at a distance below the calyx); corollas < 3 cm long. |
4 Calyx 3-5 mm long; leaves sparsely pubescent; leaves entire and unlobed (except for the 2 basal lobes; corolla margins lacking sharp tips; [widespread in our area] |
4 Calyx 6-12 mm long; leaves sparsely to densely gray- pubescent; leaves entire, toothed, or deeply lobed (in addition to the 2 basal lobes; entire and unlobed (except for the 2 basal lobes; corolla margins lacking sharp tips; [se. KS, sw. AR, e. and s. TX westwards and southwards (and rarely a waif eastwards]. |
5 Leaves deltoid in outline, thick, markedly veined, silvery- pubescent, and with dentate margins; seed coats smooth; [s. TX] |
5 Leaves variable in outline, thin, not markedly veined, thinly pubescent, and with margins dentate or not; seed coats papillose; [se. KS, sw. AR, e. and s. TX westwards and southwards (and rarely a waif eastwards]. |
6 Sepals 6-8 mm long; corolla 1.4-1.8 (-2.3) cm long, usually pink |
6 Sepals 11-12 mm long; corolla 2.5-3 cm long, usually white but often with a dark centre |
3 Calyx concealed by 2 large bracts; corollas > 3 cm long. |
7 Leaves densely white- tomentose beneath |
7 Leaves pubescent or glabrous, but not densely white- tomentose beneath. |
8 Stems mostly less than 1.5 m, erect at least in the lower part, but sometimes twining toward the apex, flowers mostly borne in lower leaf axils. |
9 Stems twining in the upper part; mostly 0.5-1.4 m high; leaves overtopping stem apex by < 1 cm. |
10 Leaves whitish- pubescent; corolla 44-64 (-70) mm long; [east of the Mississippi River] |
10 Leaves grayish- puberulent; corolla (35-) 40-52 (-69) mm long; [west of the Mississippi River] |
9 Stems not twining, up to 0.6 m high; leaves overtopping the stem apex by 1.5-6 cm. |
11 Stem and leaves tomentose; leaves tending to be folded along midrib at maturity |
11 Stem and leaves glabrous to pubescent; leaves more or less flat at maturity |
8 Stems strongly twining, up to 4 m or more long; flowers borne along middle and upper stems. |
12 Margins of the bracts immediately subtending the flower overlapping > ½ their length; bracts inflated at base ( saccate), the apex usually obtuse; flowers 1-2 per axil |
12 Margins of the bracts immediately subtending the flower overlapping at the base only or not at all; bracts mostly flat (or often keeled, the apex usually acute; flowers 1 per axil. |
13 Bracteoles forming a continuous spiral series with sepals, the flower appearing to have 3 bracteoles when seen from side; leaves with almost closed sinus, the lobes posteriorly truncate |
13 Bracteoles clearly distinct from sepals, obviously only 2; leaves with a wide or v-shaped sinus. |
15 Leaves with basal lobes rounded or with a single angle, or if with 2 angles then not spreading; plant glabrous or commonly pubescent to tomentose on stem |
15 Leaves with lobes with 2 angles, spreading; plant glabrous |
16 Corolla 35-50 mm long; stamens 17-25 mm long; leaf sinus acute (V-shaped); plant glabrous |
16 Corolla 48-70 mm long; stamens 25-32 mm long; leaf sinus acute or rounded (U-shaped); plant glabrous or pubescent. |
17 Leaves with posteriorly directed lobes, the blade often conspicuously narrowly triangular to linear; stems and leaves often strongly pubescent; [Coastal Plain] |
17 Leaves with spreading basal lobes, each lobe more or less 2-angled, sinus broadly rounded; plant glabrous; WV and northwards and westwards] |