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Key to Crepis

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1 Cypselas (at least the inner in the head) with a distinct narrow beak
  2 Cypselas dimorphic, the inner beaked
  2 Cypselas monomorphic, all beaked.
    3 Stems coarsely setose, the setae yellowish; bractlets subtending the phyllaries 10-14, not reflexed
    3 Stems glabrate, hispid, or tomentose, if sparsely setose the setae blackish; bractlets subtending the phyllaries 5-12, reflexed
1 Cypselas narrowed toward the summit, but not distinctly beaked.
      4 Stems (at least toward the base) hispid and viscid with stipitate glands; phyllaries glabrous on both the inner and outer surfaces; cypselas 4-6 mm long
      4 Stems variously pubescent, but not viscid with stipitate glands; phyllaries variously pubescent on one or both surfaces; cypselas 1.5-7 mm long.
        5 Inner surface of the inner phyllaries glabrous; outer surface stipitate-glandular and with 2 rows of black setae; cypselas 1.5-2.5 mm long
        5 Inner surface of the inner phyllaries pubescent with appressed, shining, white hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long; outer surface of phyllaries tomentose, hispidulous, or canescent, but the hairs not glandular and without setae; cypselas 3-7 mm long.
          6 Cypselas 4-7 mm long, yellowish- or reddish-brown, with 13-20 ribs; pappus 5-7 mm long; biennial
          6 Cypselas 3-4 mm long, reddish- or purplish-brown, with 10 ribs; pappus 4-5 mm long; annual