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Key to Hamamelis

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1 Outer surface of calyx yellow; petals 7-20 mm long, yellow, flowering Oct-Jan; leaves 3.7-16.7 cm long, 2.5-13 cm wide; leaf lateral veins 9 or 10 (5 on one side of the leaf, 4-5 on the other); [plants collectively widespread in our area].
  2 Stellate trichomes of the leaves moderately dense to dense, averaging 0.09 mm across, with 7-11 rays; leaves (3.6-) avg. 6.4 (-10.3) cm long, (1.8-) avg. 4.1 (-6.2) cm wide; petals 7-15 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm wide; [e. SC south to Panhandle FL, west to se. LA in the Coastal Plain]
  2 Stellate trichomes of the leaves sparse to moderately dense, averaging 0.16-0.40 mm across, with 3-6 (-8) rays; leaves (4.7-) avg. 9.9 (-14.0) cm long, (3.9-) avg. 6.6 (-9.2) cm wide; petals 15-20 mm long, 1 mm wide; [widespread in our area]
1 Outer surface of calyx scarlet; petals red or reddish (often yellow-tipped, or rarely completely yellow), flowering late Dec to Apr; leaves 7-24 cm long, 4-17 cm wide; leaf lateral veins 9, 10, or 11 (5 on one side of the leaf, 4, 5, or 6 on the other); [Gulf Coast of GA to TX, Interior Highlands of MO, AR, and OK].
    3 Leaves (12-) avg. 19.7 (-24) cm long, 5-17 cm wide, densely stellate-pubescent below, usually with 11 lateral veins (6 on one side of the leaf, 5 on the other); leaf base asymmetrically cordate, cordate on at least one side (the other side cordate or rounded); petals 7-14 mm long; [plants of pineland ravines in the Coastal Plain of s. MS, s. AL, e. GA, and e. TX]
    3 Leaves mostly obovate, (7-) avg. 8.7 (-13) cm long, 4-10 cm wide, glaucous and lightly stellate-pubescent below (mostly on and near the main veins), usually with 9-10 lateral veins; leaf base cuneate, narrowed to the petiole on at least one side (cuneate, rounded, or cordate on the other side); petals 5-10 mm long; [plants of the Interior Highlands and adjacent areas of s. MO, AR, and e. OK]