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2 Basal leaves 6-15 cm long, 2-8 cm wide; leaves 1.5-5× as long as wide, scabrous or hirsute (rarely glabrous) |
3 Leaves rough to touch, scabrous or hirsute; leaves entire or nearly so; [widely distributed] |
3 Leaves smooth to touch, strigose or glabrous; leaves usually serrate; [AR, LA, TX] |
2 Basal leaves 10-30 cm long, 0.5-2.0 cm wide; leaves 10-20× as long as wide, glabrous. |
4 Head 1 (-3); phyllaries 8-16 mm long, 3-5 mm wide; [of wet flatwoods and wet prairies of ne. FL] |
4 Heads 3-12; phyllaries 5-11 mm long, 1-2.5 mm wide; flowering Aug-Oct; [of sandstone and granite glades and woodlands and loamy to xeric longleaf pine sandhills; rarely escaped elsewhere] |
1 Disk flowers red or purple (at least in part). |
5 Basal leaves 6-20 cm long; lower several pairs of stem leaves up to 1/2 as long and wide as the basal leaves; [collectively widespread in our region from VA, KY, IL, MO, and OK southwards, in the inland provinces and the Coastal Plain]. |
6 Trichomes on the leaf abaxial midrib > 1 mm long; lower stem with a few pairs of leaves (< 8 nodes below the capitulescence), these strongly reduced upward; leaf blades (1.3-) 1.7-2.5 (-3)× as long as wide; petiole often > 1/3 as long as the blade, broadly winged toward the blade; plants to 2 m tall; nonflowering stems usually absent; [widespread in our area] |
6 Trichomes on the leaf abaxial midrib < 1 mm long; lower stem leafy, often to above the middle (> 8 nodes below the capitulescence); leaf blades 1-1.7 (-2)× as long as wide; petiole usually < 1/3 as long as the blade, narrowly winged toward the blade; plants to 3 m tall; nonflowering stems usually present; [west of our area] |
5 Basal leaves 4-15 cm long; lower several pairs of stem leaves often < 1/2 as long and wide as the basal leaves; [Coastal Plain, NC to FL to e. LA]. |
7 Basal leaves (1.6-) 2-5× as long as wide; ray flowers present, 12-18, typically 1.5-3.5 cm long; [wet savannas and bogs] |
7 Basal leaves 1-1.5× as long as wide; ray flowers none, or present, 2-8, but < 1 cm long; [dry savannas and sandhills] |
2 Leaves ovate, 10-40 cm long, 5-25 cm wide, toothed, the base often cordate or subcordate; disc corollas 5-8 mm long; stems 10-30 dm tall; [section Helianthus] |
2 Leaves lanceolate, 5-10 cm long, 0.2-1.0 cm wide, entire or nearly so, the base cuneate; disc corollas 2.8-3.5 mm long; stems 4-10 dm tall; [section Porteri] |
1 Disk flowers red or purple (at least in part). |
3 Leaves, stems, and phyllaries densely covered with soft, silvery-white pubescence; [section Helianthus] |
3 Leaves, stems, and phyllaries nearly glabrous to scabrous or hirsute. |
4 Style branches yellow; [section Agrestes] |
4 Style branches red; [section Helianthus]. |
5 Phyllaries ovate to ovate- oblong, > 4 mm wide; leaves 5-25 cm wide; disk (2-) 3-30 cm wide; plants (0.5-) 1-3 m tall |
5 Phyllaries lanceolate, 1-4 (-5) mm wide; leaves 1.5-9 cm wide; disk 1-2.5 cm wide; plants 0.4-1.5 m tall. |
6 Tips of the receptacular bracts ( paleae) in the center of the head conspicuously white- bearded. |
7 Leaves mostly alternate; petioles 5-9 cm long; ray flowers 10-30; [widely distributed in our region, native and adventive] |
7 Leaves mostly opposite; petioles 2-4 cm long; ray flowers 11-13; [TX coastal prairies and s. TX] |
6 Tips of the receptacular bracts ( paleae) in the center of the head not bearded. |
8 Leaves mostly opposite; phyllaries 30-39, short acuminate at tip; [TX] |
8 Leaves mostly alternate; phyllaries 20-30, acute to long- attenuate at tip; [collectively widespread in our region]. |
9 Stems decumbent, with ascending or erect flowering branches; peduncles 9-20 (-22) cm long; blades of the ray flowers 11-16 mm long; [of FL peninsula]. |
10 Stems glabrous or puberulent; leaves serrulate to evenly serrate; [of east coast of FL peninsula, from St. Johns County south to Monroe County)] |
10 Stems hirsute- villous; leaves deeply and irregularly coarsely serrate; [of west coast of FL peninsula, from Hernando County south to Lee County] |
9 Stems erect; peduncles 10-50 cm long; blades of the ray flowers 14-30 mm long; [collectively widespread in our region]. |
11 Leaves 8-14 cm long; peduncles 20-40 cm long; discs 10-15 (-17) mm in diameter; [w. LA and e. TX] |
11 Leaves 2.5-9 cm long; peduncles 10-50 cm long; discs 14-20 mm diam; [collectively widespread in our region]. |
12 Peduncles 25-50 cm long; leaves usually shallowly but regularly serrate; ligules usually > 2 cm long; blades of the ray flowers (15-) 20-30 mm long |
12 Peduncles usually 10-25 (-30) cm long; leaf usually deeply and irregularly coarsely serrate; ligules usually < 2 cm long; blades of the ray flowers 12-20 (-22) mm long |
1 Stems glabrous or glabrate and often glaucous; leaf margins not revolute. |
2 Plant 4-7 dm tall; blades of ray flowers 8-9 mm long; leaf blades 3-7.5 cm long |
2 Plant 15-25 or more dm tall; blades of ray flowers 28-35 mm long; leaf blades 8-21 cm long |
1 Stems pubescent, not glaucous; leaf margins revolute or not. |
3 Leaf blades long and narrow, linear or lanceolate and usually > 10× as long as wide. |
4 Plants < 1.5 m tall; leaves < 1 cm wide; rhizomes lacking or poorly developed |
4 Plants > 1.5 m tall; leaves > 1 cm wide; rhizomes well developed |
3 Leaf blades shorter and broader, lanceolate, lance- ovate, deltoid, deltoid- ovate and usually < 5× as long as wide. |
6 Abaxial surfaces of leaves and ligules lacking subsessile glandular trichomes; leaves usually broadly ovate to orbicular and with a petiole > 1 cm long |
6 Abaxial surfaces of leaves and ligules with subsessile glandular trichomes; leaves usually lanceolate to lance- ovate or rhombic- ovate and with a petiole usually < 1 cm long. |
8 Plants 8-20 dm tall; upper leaves usually alternate; leaf blades oblong- lanceolate to lance- ovate, 8-27 cm long, acuminate at tip |
8 Plants 5-12 dm tall; leaves opposite; leaf blades rhombic- ovate to lance- linear, 5-12 cm long, acute or obtuse at tip |
1 Stems below the capitulescence glabrous or nearly so, sometimes glaucous. |
2 Leaves whorled at principal nodes, either alternate or opposite at other nodes |
2 Leaves either alternate or opposite (or both), never whorled. |
3 Leaves grayish-green or bluish green in color, sessile, and glabrous and glaucous on the undersurface. |
4 Rays 10-14; leaves strumose adaxially, rough to the touch; phyllaries 3.5-4.5 mm wide |
4 Rays 5-10; leaves glabrous or glabrate adaxially, smooth or only slightly rough to the touch; phyllaries 2-3 mm wide |
3 Leaves light to dark green, sometimes whitish abaxially, but not grayish or bluish green in color; leaves sessile or petiolate, glabrous or pubescent. |
5 Leaves linear- lanceolate, with only a single main vein |
6 Rays few, usually 5 or 8; heads small, the involucres 9 mm broad or less. |
7 Leaves abaxially whitish in color and glabrous and glaucous, lacking subsessile glandular trichomes (‘ resin dots’) |
7 Leaves abaxially greenish in color, usually tomentulose (sometimes glabrate), with abundant subsessile glandular trichomes |
6 Rays usually 10 or more in larger heads; heads larger, the involucres usually > 9 mm broad. |
8 Leaves sessile, rounded to cordate at base, and trinerved, with the 2 lateral veins diverging from the midrib at the very base of the leaf |
8 Leaves sessile to petiolate, but narrowing gradually to base and triplinerved, the 2 lateral veins diverging from the midrib above the base of the blade. |
9 Anther appendages yellow. |
10 Leave blade lanceolate to lance- ovate, sessile to petiolate but the petiole usually < ¼ as long as the blade; phyllaries not conspicuously graduated and imbricate, usually loose and spreading |
10 Leaf blade ovate to elliptic, with a distinct petiole usually > 2 cm long and ½ as long as blade or longer; phyllaries conspicuously graduated and imbricate, usually appressed, not exceeding disk |
9 Anther appendages dark or reddish-brown. |
11 Plants producing abundant tubers; leaves subsessile, the petioles < 1 cm long; [ endemic to the Piedmont of NC and SC] |
11 Plants rhizomatous, but not producing tubers; leaves petiolate, the petioles 1-5 cm long; [collectively widespread in our area]. |
12 Longer phyllaries usually exceeding disk by ½ their length or more, apex acuminate; larger leaves moderately to conspicuously serrate, with a petiole 2-5 cm long, and abaxially with usually relatively few subsessile glandular trichomes |
12 Phyllaries equal to or slightly exceeding disk, apex acute; leaves moderately serrate to entire, with a petiole 1-3 cm long, and abaxially with usually abundant subsessile glandular trichomes (‘ resin dots’) |
1 Stems pubescent throughout, not glaucous. |
13 Leaves sessile and cordate, mostly or all opposite |
13 Leaves petiolate or sessile, but not cordate, and alternate or opposite. |
14 Phyllaries attenuate, conspicuously exceeding the disk in length and reflexed, apically with numerous subsessile glandular trichomes (‘ resin dots’); leaf bases often convex, the basically ovate or lance- ovate blade joined to a broadly winged and gradually narrowed petiole |
14 Phyllaries acute to attenuate, but not reflexed, subsessile glandular trichomes present or absent; leaf bases usually attenuate to truncate or rounded, the blade lance- linear or lanceolate, or if ovate or lance- ovate either sessile or with a petiole that is at most narrowly winged. |
15 Leaves conduplicate (strongly folded along the midvein, thus V-shaped) and entire, usually with only a single prominent main vein; inflorescence when well developed spiciform or racemose |
15 Leaves not conduplicate, entire or serrate, triplinerved (with a prominent lateral pair of veins near the base); inflorescence not spiciform or racemose. |
16 Phyllaries conspicuously graduated and imbricate, usually appressed. |
Show caption*© Michael J. Oldham, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Michael J. Oldham 17 Leaf blades lanceolate to ovate, petiole 1-5 cm long and usually < ½ as long as blade; anther appendages with dark pigment; cypselas 4-5 mm, usually sterile |
17 Leaf blades ovate to elliptic, petiole distinct, > 2 cm and usually > ½ as long as the blade; anther appendages yellow; cypselas 3-4 mm long, fertile |
18 Leaves rough to touch, scabrous or hirsute; leaves entire or nearly so; [widely distributed] |
18 Leaves smooth to touch, strigose or glabrous; leaves usually serrate; [w. LA, AR, TX] |
16 Phyllaries not conspicuously graduated and imbricate, usually loose or spreading. |
19 Leaves with a prominent petiole > 2 cm long, blades lance- ovate to ovate and > 5 cm broad; cypselas 5-7 mm long; tubers produced late in growing season |
19 Leaves sessile or with a short petiole usually < 2 cm long; blades linear to lanceolate, < 4.5 cm broad; cypselas 3-5 cm long; tubers present or absent. |
20 Leaves truncate to broadly rounded at base, shortly but distinctly petiolate |
20 Leaves cuneate, gradually narrowing to base, sessile to petiolate. |
21 Ligules lacking subsessile glandular trichomes; leaves not strongly revolute |
21 Ligules abaxially with subsessile glandular trichomes (‘ resin dots’); leaves usually revolute. |
22 Heads relatively small, the discs usually < 15 mm across; tubers present |
22 Heads larger, the discs (at least the larger) > 15 mm across; tubers absent. |
23 Leaves conspicuously undulate; ovate to elliptical to lanceolate, occasionally linear (if so, usually < 10 cm long), usually < 5× as long as wide; heads 1-6 per plant; outer phyllaries acute to obtuse |
23 Leaves not conspicuously undulate; linear to lanceolate, > 5× as long as broad (and also 8-16 cm long); heads 3-16 per plant; outer phyllaries acuminate to acute. |
24 Plants short, < 1.5 m tall; leaves < 1 cm wide; rhizomes lacking or poorly developed |
24 Plants robust, > 1.5 m tall; leaves > 1 cm wide; rhizomes well developed |