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1 Ray florets 8; [TX southwards]. | |
2 Annual or perennial; phyllaries widest towards tip, with a subterminal oil gland 0.5-1 mm long; pappi usually less than 1 mm long; [c TX (mainly Edwards Plateau)] | |
2 Annual; phyllaries widest near middle, with a subterminal oil-gland less than 0.5 mm long; pappi often 1+ mm long; [s TX and southwards] | |
1 Ray florets 5; [LA and eastwards via coastal regions to NC] | |
3 Heads sessile, subsessile, or on short peduncles (to 1.2 cm long). | |
4 Leaves mostly 1-2 (-3) mm wide; oil glands in 2 rows on the lower leaf surface near the leaf margin | |