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Key to Pithecellobium

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1 Calyx, corolla, and inflorescence axes glabrous or merely with scattered hairs.
  2 Larger leaflets (3-) avg. 4-5 (-9) cm long × 1.3-7 cm wide; branches usually unarmed (usually lacking stipular spines)
  2 Larger leaflets (1-) avg. 1.2-4 (-6) cm long × 0.4-4.5 cm wide; branches armed (with stipular spines at some or all nodes).
    3 Larger leaflets (1-) 1.2-3.5 cm long × 0.4-1.6 cm wide; flowers pink to red; leaflets 1-2 (-3) pairs per pinna; stipular spines to 7 mm long
    3 Larger leaflets (1.5-) 1.7-4 (-6) cm long × 0.8-4.5 cm wide; flowers greenish yellow to light pink; leaflets strictly 1 pair per pinna; stipular spines to 20 mm long