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Key to Rayjacksonia

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1 Mid-cauline leaf blades linear to linear-oblanceolate, 1-3 (-4) mm wide; involucres 4-7 tall × 10-15 mm wide; rays 14-19, corollas 6.5-9.5 mm long; [West Gulf Coastal Plain of TX]
1 Mid-cauline leaf blades oblanceolate to oblong or oblong-lanceolate, (1-) 4-15 (-25) mm wide; involucres (4.5-) 6-15 tall × 9-30 mm wide; rays (13-) 17-38, corollas 6-19 mm long; [OK, TX, LA, MS, and FL].
  2 Mid-cauline leaf blades (1-) 4-15 (-25) mm wide; phyllaries in 3-4 series, these strongly unequal; phyllaries ca. 0.9-1 mm wide, their apices broadly spreading to squarrose; [ec. OK westwards]
  2 Mid-cauline leaf blades (2.5-) 4-13 mm wide; phyllaries in 3-4 series, these subequal; phyllaries 1.3-1.7 mm wide, their apices erect to spreading; [Gulf Coastal Plain].
    3 Heads on short, leafless or bracteate peduncles, not surpassed by distal leaves; [w. coast of peninsular FL; s. LA]
    3 Heads essentially sessile, often surpassed by distal leaves that continue to very base of heads; [w. Panhandle of FL west through MS and LA to TX and TAM]
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