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1 Inner phyllaries (at least) stalklike below and enlarged into an ovate to orbiculate or elliptic blade, 2-5 mm wide; phyllary apices acuminate to obtuse or broadly rounded, not bristle-tipped; [section Xanthisma]. | |
2 Phyllaries abruptly expanded above the stalklike base; phyllary bodies mostly ovate (3.5-8 × 2.5-5 mm distal to widest point) | |
2 Phyllaries somewhat expanded above; phyllary bodies mostly orbiculate to depressed-elliptic (1-2 × 1.5-3.5 mm distal to widest point) | |
1 Phyllaries not markedly expanded above, linear to broadly oblong or lanceolate, 1-2 mm wide; phyllary apices narrowly obtuse to long-attenuate, usually bristle-tipped; [section Sideranthus]. | |
3 Plants glabrous or less commonly lightly tomentose, eglandular or less commonly slightly glandular; stems usually unbranched until the upper third, the heads usually distinctly clustered | |
3 Plants usually glandular to varying degrees, slightly to densely tomentose, rarely without eglandular hairs; stems branched from mid-stem or below to the upper third, the heads more diffusely arranged. | |
4 Stems 30-70 cm tall, stiffly erect from the base, usually branched only near the heads; mid-cauline leaves shallowly serrate; glabrescent and often glabrous | |