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Key to Cymodoceaceae

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1 Leaves terete, to 35 cm long; plants of marine habitats, growing submersed in salt water; [of FL and the Gulf Coast of AL, MS, and LA]
1 Leaves flat or terete, to 200 cm long; plants of fresh or brackish waters; [collectively widespread].
  2 Leaves flat, with a notched or tricuspidate apex; stipules absent, or if present, either free or adnate to the leaf base and forming a sheath for < 10 mm; flowers solitary; pistils 2
  2 Leaves filiform, terete or nearly so, with an obtuse to acute apex; stipules present, adnate to the leaf base and forming an apparently inflated sheath around the stem > 10 mm long; flowers usually 2, on a flexuous, elongate peduncle; pistils 4-16