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For Conopholis

Collins, L.T., A.E.L. Colwell, and G. Yatskievych. 2019a. Conopholis. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2019. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 17, Magnoliophyta: Tetrachondraceae to Orobanchaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 737 pp. Google Scholar

Haynes, R.R. 1971. A monograph of the genus Conopholis (Orobanchaceae). Sida 4: 246-264. Google Scholar

Rodrigues, A., S. Shaya, T.A. Dickinson, and S. Stefanović. 2013. Morphometric analyses and taxonomic revision of the North American holoparasitic genus Conopholis (Orobanchaceae). Syst. Bot. 38: 795-804. Google Scholar

Rodrigues, A.G., A.E.L. Colwell, and S. Stefanović. 2011. Molecular systematics of the parasitic genus Conopholis (Orobanchaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 98: 896-908. Google Scholar

Thieret, J.W. 1971. The genera of Orobanchaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 52: 404-434. Google Scholar