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For Cyperus

Bauters, K., I. Larridon, M. Reynders, P. Asselman, A. Vridaghs, A.M. Muasya, D.A. Simpson, and P. Goetghebeur. 2014. A new classification for Lipocarpha and Volkiella as infrageneric taxa of Cyperus s.l. (Cypereae, Cyperoideae, Cyperaceae): insights from species tree reconstruction supplemented with morphological and floral developmental data. Phytotaxa 166: 1-32. Google Scholar

Bruhl, J.J. 2002b. Oxycaryum. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 23, Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 608 pp. Google Scholar

Bruhl, J.J., and G.C. Tucker. 2002. Remirea. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 23, Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 608 pp. Google Scholar

Bryson, C.T., and J.R. Carter. 1992. Notes on Cyperus and Kyllinga (Cyperaceae) in Mississippi with records of six species new to the state. Sida 15: 119-124. Google Scholar

Bryson, C.T., and J.R. Carter. 1994. Additional notes on Carex, Cyperus, and Kyllinga (Cyperaceae) in Mississippi with records of eight species previously unreported to the state. Sida 16: 175-186. Google Scholar

Bryson, C.T., J.R. Carter, L.B. McCarty, and F.H. Yelverton. 1997. Kyllinga, a genus of neglected weeds in the continental United States. Weed Technol. 11: 838-842. Google Scholar

Bryson, C.T., J.R. MacDonald, R. Carter, and S.D. Jones. 1996. Noteworthy Carex, Cyperus, Eleocharis, Kyllinga, and Oxycaryum (Cyperaceae) from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Sida 17: 501-518. Google Scholar

Bryson, C.T., V.L. Maddox and J.R. Carter. 2008. Spread of Cuban Club-rush [Oxycaryum cubense (Poeppig & Kunth) Palla] in the Southeastern United States. Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 326-329. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R. 1988. Cyperus hystricinus (Cyperaceae) new to Florida. Sida 13: 118-119. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R. 1993. Animal dispersal in the North American sedge, Cyperus plukenetii (Cyperaceae). American Midland Naturalist 129: 352–356. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., and C.E. Jarvis. 1986. Re-evaluation and lectotypification of Scirpus echinatus L. Rhodora 88: 451-456. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., and R. Kral. 1990. Cyperus echinatus and Cyperus croceus the correct names for North American Cyperus ovularis and Cyperus globulosus. Taxon 39: 322-327. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., and R.L. Mears. 2000. Cyperus (subg. Queenslandiella) hyalinus (Cyperaceae) new to the United States and the Western Hemisphere. Sida 19: 345-350. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., C.T. Bryson, and B.L. Lipscomb. 1987. Cyperus uniflorus (Cyperaceae) east of the Mississippi River. Sida 12: 250. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., C.W. Allen, P. and D. Lewis. 2009. Cyperus pilosus Vahl (Cyperaceae) new to the flora of Texas. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3: 457-459. Google Scholar

Carter, J.R., D.K. Alexander, C.T. Bryson, and A. Lazari. 1999. The taxonomy of Cyperus virens and C. drummondii (Cyperaceae) in the southeastern United States. Sida 18: 1049-1063. Google Scholar

Carter, R. 1990. Cyperus entrerianus (Cyperaceae), an overlooked species in temperate North America. Sida 14: 69-77. Google Scholar

Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 1991. A report of Cyperus grayioides and Cyperus retroflexus (Cyperaceae) new to Missouri and notes on other selected Missouri Cyperus. Sida 14: 475–481. Google Scholar

Carter, R., and C.T. Bryson. 2000. Cyperus sanguinolentus (Cyperaceae) new to the southeastern United States, and its relationship to the supposed endemic Cyperus louisianensis. Sida 19: 325-343. Google Scholar

Carter, R., and S.D. Jones. 1997. Notes on the Cyperus retroflexus complex (Cyperaceae) with three nomenclatural proposals. Rhodora 99: 319-334. Google Scholar

Carter, R., R.L. Mears, K.C. Burks, and C.T. Bryson. 1996. A report of four exotic Cyperus (Cyperaceae) species new to Florida, U.S.A. Sida 17: 275-281 Google Scholar

Carter, R., R.L. Mears, R.H. Goddard, and C.T. Bryson. 2016. Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) new to Florida, U.S.A., and the Western Hemisphere. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 10: 191-200. Google Scholar

Carter, R., W.W. Baker, and M.W. Morris. 2009. Contributions to the flora of Georgia, U.S.A. Vulpia 8: 1-54. Google Scholar

De Castro, O., R. Gargiulo, E. Del Guacchio, P. Caputo, and P. De Luca. 2015. A molecular survey concerning the origin of Cyperus esculentus (Cyperaceae, Poales): two sides of the same coin (weed vs. crop). Annals of Botany 115: 733-745. Google Scholar

Delahoussaye, A.J., and J.W. Thieret. 1967. Cyperus subgenus Kyllinga (Cyperaceae) in the continental United States. Sida 3: 128-136. Google Scholar

Goetghebeur, P., and A. Van den Borre. 1989. Studies in Cyperaceae. 8. A revision of Lipocarpha, including Hemicarpha and Rikliella. Wageningen Agriculture University Papers 89-1. Google Scholar

Goetghebeur. 1998. In Kubitzki, K., ed. 1998b. The families and genera of vascular plants. IV. Flowering plants – Monocotyledons – Alismatanae and Commelinanae (except Gramineae). Springer, Berlin. 511 pp. Google Scholar

Jones, S.D., J.K. Wipff, and J.R. Carter. 1996. Nomenclatural combinations in Cyperus (Cyperaceae). Phytologia 80: 288-290. Google Scholar

Larridon, I., K. Bauters, M. Reynders, W. Huygh, and P. Goetghebeur. 2014. Taxonomic changes in C4 Cyperus (Cypereae, Cyperoideae, Cyperaceae): combining the sedge genera Ascolepis, Kyllinga and Pycreus into Cyperus s.l. Phytotaxa 166: 33-48. Google Scholar

Larridon, I., M. Reynders, W. Huygh, K. Bauters, A. Vrijdaghs, O. Leroux, A.M. Muasya, D.A. Simpson, and P. Goetghebeur. 2011b. Taxonomic changes in C3 Cyperus (Cyperaceae) supported by molecular data, morphology, embryography, ontogeny and anatomy. Plant Ecology and Evolution 144: 327-356. Google Scholar

Larridon, I., M. Reynders, W. Huygh, K. Bauters, K. Van de Putte, A.M. Muasya, P. Boeckx, D.A. Simpson, A. Vridaghs, and P. Goetghebeur. 2011a. Affinities in C3 Cyperus lineages (Cyperaceae) revealed using molecular phylogenetic data and carbon isotope analysis. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 167: 19-46. Google Scholar

Lowe, P.D., and J.R. Carter. 2022c. Cyperus excurrens (Cyperaceae), a new species from karst ponds in southern Georgia, U.S.A. Castanea 87(2): 224-243. Google Scholar

Lowe, P.D., and J.R. Carter. 2023. A morphometric analysis of the Cyperus squarrosus-Cyperus granitophilus complex in North America, with the description of a new variety of Cyperus squarrosus. Castanea 88(1): 1-36. Google Scholar

McKenzie, P.M., B. Jacobs, C.T. Bryson, G.C. Tucker, and R. Carter. 1998. Cyperus fuscus (Cyperaceae), new to Missouri and Nevada, with comments on its occurrence in North America. Sida 18: 325-333. Google Scholar

Mohlenbrock, R.H. 1959. A new species of Cyperus from the Illinois sand prairies. Brittonia 11: 255-256. Google Scholar

Reid, C.S. 2016. Systematics of targeted flat sedges (Cyperus, Cyperaceae) of the Americas, including a floristic analysis of an imperiled sedge-rich prairie community. Louisiana State University, PhD Dissertation. LSU Digital commons, Google Scholar

Reid, C.S., J.R. Carter and L.E. Urbatsch. 2014. Phylogenetic insights into New World Cyperus (Cyperaceae) using nuclear ITS sequences. Brittonia 66(3): 292-305. Google Scholar

Reid, C.S., V.P. Doyle, J.R. Carter, Y. Vargar-Rodriguez, and L.E. Urbatsch. 2017. Molecular systematics of targeted flat sedges (Cyperus, Cyperaceae) of the Americas. Plant Ecol. & Evol. 150: 343-357. Google Scholar

Rosen, D.J., J.R. Carter, A. Richardson, and K. King. 2012. Cyperus albostriatus, new to North America and Fimbristylis cymosa, new to Texas. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 6: 299-302. Google Scholar

Rosen, D.J., J.R. Carter, and C.T. Bryson. 2006. The recent spread of Cyperus entrerianus (Cyperaceae) in the southeastern United States and its invasive potential in bottomland hardwood forests. Southeastern Naturalist 5: 333-344. Google Scholar

Schippers, P., S.J. Ter Borg, and J.J. Bos. 1995. A revision of the infraspecific taxonomy of Cyperus esculentus (Yellow Nutsedge) with an experimentally evaluated character set. Syst. Bot. 20(4): 461-481. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 1983. The taxonomy of Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in Costa Rica and Panama. Syst. Bot. Monographs 2: 1-85. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 1984. A revision of the genus Kyllinga Rottb. (Cyperaceae) in Mexico and Central America. Rhodora 86: 507-538. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 1987. The genera of Cyperaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 68: 361-445. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 1994. Revision of the Mexican species of Cyperus (Cyperaceae). Syst. Bot. Monographs 43: 1-213. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 2002a. Kyllinga. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 23, Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 608 pp. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C. 2002b. Lipocarpha. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 23, Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 608 pp. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C., and K.N. Gandhi. 2019. Nomenclatural notes on Cyperus odoratus and related species (Cyperaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 24: 349-357. Google Scholar

Tucker, G.C., B.G. Marcks, and J.R. Carter. 2002. Cyperus. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 23, Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Cyperaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 608 pp. Google Scholar

Wipff, J.K., and S.D. Jones. 1994. Nomenclatural combinations in Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Phytologia 77: 456-464. Google Scholar