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For Ilex

Clark, R.C. 2023. Hollies (Aquifoliaceae) of North America north of Mexico. Phytoneuron 2023-13: 1-19. Published 17 February 2023. ISSN 2153 733X Google Scholar

Godfrey, R.K. 1988. Trees, shrubs, and woody vines of northern Florida and adjacent Georgia and Alabama. University of Georgia Press, Athens. Google Scholar

Krakow, G.A. 1989. A systematic study of Ilex ambigua, Ilex decidua and related taxa. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Georgia, Athens. Google Scholar

Manen, J.-F., M.C. Boulter, and Y. Naciri-Graven. 2002. The complex history of the genus Ilex L. (Aquifoliaceae): evidence from the comparison of plastid and nuclear DNA sequences and from fossil data. Plant Syst. Evol. 235: 79-98. Google Scholar

Powell, M., V. Savolainen, P. Cuénoud, J.-F. Manen, and S. Andrews. 2000. The mountain holly (Nemopanthus mucronatus: Aquifoliaceae) revisited with molecular data. Kew Bulletin 55: 341-347. Google Scholar

Whittemore, A.T. [in prep.]. Ilex. FNA. Google Scholar

Wunderlin, R.P., and J.E. Poppleton. 1977. The Florida species of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae). Florida Sci. 40: 7-21. Google Scholar

Yang, Y., L. Jiang, E.-D. Liu, W.-L. Liu, Y.-X. Kou, D.-M.Fan, S.-M. Cheng, Z.-Y. Zhang, and H. Peng. 2023. Time to update the sectional classification of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae): new insights from Ilex phylogeny, morphology, and distribution. J. Syst. Evol. 61(6): 1036-1046. Google Scholar

Yao, X., Y. Song, J.‐B. Yang, Y.‐H. Tan, and R.T. Corlett. 2021. Phylogeny and biogeography of the hollies (Ilex L., Aquifoliaceae). J. Syst. Evol. 59(1): 73-82. Google Scholar