
For Lonicera

Ferguson, I.K. 1966a. The genera of Caprifoliaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 47: 33-59. Google Scholar

Green, P.S. 1966. Identification of the species and hybrids in the Lonicera tatarica complex. J. Arnold Arb. 47: 75-88. Google Scholar

Hofmann, U., and V. Bittrich. 2016. Caprifoliaceae. In Kadereit, J.W., and V. Bittrich. 2016. The families and genera of flowering plants. XIV. Flowering plants – Eudicots – Aquifoliales, Boraginales, Bruniales, Dipsacales, Escalloniales, Garryales, Paracryphiales, Solanales (except Convolvulaceae), Icacinaceae, Metteniusaceae, Vahliaceae. Springer, Berlin. 412 pp. Google Scholar

Rehder, A. 1903. Synopsis of the genus Lonicera. Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report 1903: 27-232. Google Scholar

Singhurst, J.R., W.C. Holmes, and W.R. Carr. 2021. Lonicera flava (Caprifoliaceae) new to the Texas flora. Phytoneuron 2021-5: 1-3. Published 26 February 2021. ISSN 2153 733X Google Scholar

Yang, X.-L., Q.-H. Sun, D.F. Morales-Briones, J.B. Landis, D.-J. Chen, H.-X. Wang, J. Wen, and H.-F. Wang. 2023. New insights into infrageneric relationships of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) as revealed by nuclear ribosomal DNA cistron data and plastid phylogenomics. J. Syst. Evol. Google Scholar