For Lycopus
Floden, A.J. 2022a. A new species of Lycopus (Lamiaceae) from the West Gulf Coastal Plain and a futile effort in barcoding. Phytoneuron 2022-61: 1-11. Published 21 December 2022 ISSN 2153 733X Google Scholar
Harley et al. 2004. In Kadereit, J.W. 2004. The families and genera of vascular plants. VII. Flowering plants – Dicotyledons – Lamiales (except Acanthaceae including Avicenniaceae). Springer, Berlin. 478 pp. Google Scholar
Henderson, N.C. 1962. A taxonomic revision of the genus Lycopus (Labiatae). Amer. Midl. Nat. 68: 95-138. Google Scholar
Sorrie, B.A. 1997. Notes on Lycopus cokeri (Lamiaceae). Castanea 62: 119-126. Google Scholar