For Phegopteris
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Gilman, A.V. 2020. Tall beech fern, a new beech fern in New England, New York, and Canada. Published by the author, Marshfield, VT. Google Scholar
Lin, Y., Z. Li, K. Iwatsuki, and A.R. Smith. 2013. Thelypteridaceae. In Flora of China. Google Scholar
Patel, N.R., S. Fawcett, and A.V. Gilman. 2019. Phegopteris excelsior (Thelypteridaceae): a new species of North American tetraploid beech fern. Novon 27: 211-218. Google Scholar
Smith, A.R. 1993a. Thelypteridaceae. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 1993b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 2, pteridophytes and gymnosperms. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 475 pp. Google Scholar
Smith, G.L., and W.S. Flory. 1990. Studies on Hymenocallis henryae (Amaryllidaceae). Brittonia 42: 212-220. Google Scholar