
For Phryma

Barker, W.R., G.L. Nesom, P.M. Beardsley, and N.S. Fraga. 2012. A taxonomic conspectus of Phrymaceae: A narrowed circumscription for Mimulus, new and resurrected genera, and new names and combinations. Phytoneuron 2012-39: 1–60. Google Scholar

Cantino, P.D. 2004. Phrymaceae. In Kadereit, J.W. 2004. The families and genera of vascular plants. VII. Flowering plants – Dicotyledons – Lamiales (except Acanthaceae including Avicenniaceae). Springer, Berlin. 478 pp. Google Scholar

Lee, N.S., T. Sang, D.J. Crawford, S.H. Yeau, S.-C. Kim. 1996. Molecular divergence between disjunct taxa in eastern Asia and eastern North America. Amer. J. Bot. 83: 1373-1378. Google Scholar

Nie, Z.L., H. Sun, P.M. Beardsley, R.G. Olmstead, and J. Wen. 2006. Evolution of biogeographic disjunction between eastern Asia and eastern North America in Phryma (Phrymaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 93(9): 1343-1356. Google Scholar

Thieret, J.W. 1972. The Phrymaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 53: 226-233. Google Scholar

Wagstaff, S.J., and R.G. Olmstead. 1997. Phylogeny of Labiatae and Verbenaceae inferred from rbcL sequences. Systematic Bot. 22: 165-179. Google Scholar

Walker, J.B. 2019. Phryma. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2019. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 17, Magnoliophyta: Tetrachondraceae to Orobanchaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 737 pp. Google Scholar