
For Platanthera

Ackerman, J.D., and R. Morgan 2002. Piperia. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002a. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 26, Magnoliophyta: Liliidae: Liliales and Orchidales. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 723 pp. Google Scholar

Bateman, R.M., K.E. James, Y.-B. Luo, R.K. Lauri, T. Fulcher, P.J. Cribb, and M.W. Chase. 2009. Molecular phylogenetics and morphological reappraisal of the Platanthera clade (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) prompts expansion of the generic limits of Galearis and Platanthera. Ann. Bot. 104: 431-445. Google Scholar

Brown, P.M. 2002. Wild orchids of Florida, with references to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. Univ. Press of Florida. Google Scholar

Butzin, F. 1981. Fimbriella, eine neue Orchideengattung. Willdenowia 11: 321-325. Google Scholar

Correll, D.S. 1950. Native orchids of North America north of Mexico. Chronica Botanica Cp., Waltham, MA. 399 pp. Google Scholar

Efimov, P.G. 2016. A revision of Platanthera (Orchidaceae; Orchidoideae; Orchideae) in Asia. Phytotaxa 254: 1-233. Google Scholar

Pridgeon, A.M., P.J. Cribb, M.W. Chase, and F.N. Rasmussen. 1999b. Genera orchidacearum. Volume 3: Orchidioideae (part 1). Oxford Univ. Press. Google Scholar

Reddoch, A.H., and J.M. Reddoch. 1993. The species pair Platanthera orbiculata and P. macrophylla (Orchidaceae): taxonomy, morphology, distributions and habitats. Lindleyana 8: 171-188. Google Scholar

Sheviak, C.J. 2002b. Platanthera. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2002a. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 26, Magnoliophyta: Liliidae: Liliales and Orchidales. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 723 pp. Google Scholar

Wettewa, E., N. Bailey, and L.E. Wallace. 2020. Comparative analysis of genetic and morphological variation within the Platanthera hyperborea complex (Orchidaceae). Syst. Bot. 45(4): 767-778. Google Scholar