
For Sideroxylon

Allison, J.R. 2006a. Big-fruited buckthorn, Sideroxylon macrocarpum (Sapotaceae), a long-forgotten Georgia endemic. Sida 22: 243-264. Google Scholar

Anderson, L.C. 1996. New geographical and morphological data for Sideroxylon thornei (Sapotaceae). Sida 17: 343-348. Google Scholar

Clark, R.B. 1942. A revision of the genus Bumelia in the United States. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29: 155-182. Google Scholar

Corogin, P.T. 2015. Sideroxylon section Frigoricola (Sapotaceae): a clade endemic to eastern North America. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Florifa, Gainesville, FL. Google Scholar

Corogin, P.T., and W.S. Judd. 2014. New geographical and morphological data for Sideroxylon reclinatum subspecies austrofloridense (Sapotaceae), a taxon endemic to southeastern peninsular Florida, U.S.A. J. Bot Res. Inst. Texas 8: 403-417. Google Scholar

Cronquist, A. 1945a. Studies in the Sapotaceae, III. Dipholis and Bumelia. J. Arnold Arbor. 26:435-471. Google Scholar

Cronquist, A. 1949. Noteworthy plants of Georgia. Castanea 14: 101-108. Google Scholar

Elisens, W.J., and J.M. Jones. 2009. Sideroxylon. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2009. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 8, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 585 pp. Google Scholar

Godfrey, R.K. 1988. Trees, shrubs, and woody vines of northern Florida and adjacent Georgia and Alabama. University of Georgia Press, Athens. Google Scholar

Govaerts, R., D.G. Frodin, and T.D. Pennington. 2001. World checklist and bibliography of Sapotaceae. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, England. Google Scholar

Lakela, O. 1963. The identity of Bumelia lacuum Small. Rhodora 65: 280-282. Google Scholar

Pennington, T.D. 1991. The genera of Sapotaceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew & N.Y. Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York. Google Scholar

Stride, G., S. Nylinder, and U. Swenson. 2014. Revisiting the biogeography of Sideroxylon (Sapotaceae) and an evaluation of the taxonomic status of Argania and Spiniluma. Australian Systematic Botany 27: 104-118. Google Scholar