For Sisyrinchium
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Bicknell, E.P. 1899b. Studies in Sisyrinchium – VI. Additional new species from the southern states. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 26: 605-616. Google Scholar
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Goldblatt, P., with J.C. Manning and P. Rudall. 1998. Iridaceae. Pp. 295-333. In Kubitzki, K., ed. 1998a. The families and genera of vascular plants. III. Flowering plants – Monocotyledons – Lilianae (except Orchidaceae). Springer, Berlin. 478 pp. Google Scholar
Hornberger, K.L. 1991. The blue-eyed-grasses (Sisyrinchium: Iridaceae) of Arkansas. Sida 14: 597-604. Google Scholar
Keith, E.L. 2022. Two new species of Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) from south-central United States. Phytoneuron 2022-1: 1-19. Published 25 January 2022. ISSN 2153 733X Google Scholar
Sorrie, B.A. 2023. Sisyrinchium rosulatum re-examined. In Weakley, A.S., J.C. Kees, B.A. Sorrie, S.G. Ward, D.B. Poindexter, M. Brock, L.D. Estes, E.L. Bridges, S.L. Orzell, G.A. Levin, R.K.S. McClelland, R.J. Schmidt, and S.A. Namestnik. 2023. Studies in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. IX. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 17(1): 191-257. Google Scholar
Sorrie, B.A., L.D. Estes, W.M. Knapp, and D.D. Spaulding. 2012. A new Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) from cedar glades in northern Alabama. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 6: 323-329. Google Scholar