For Verbenaceae
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Marx, H.E., N. O’Leary, Y.-W. Yuan, P. Lu-Irving, D.C. Tank, M.E. Múlgura, and R.G. Olmstead. 2010. A molecular phylogeny and classification of Verbenaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 97: 1647-1663. Google Scholar
O'Leary, N., P. Lu-Irving, P. Moroni, F.R.G. Salimena, T.R. dos Santos Silva, P.H. Cardoso, F. Mirra, J. Schaefer, A.M. Bedoya, L.F. Viccini, C. Bitencourt, V.A. Thode, and R.G. Olmstead. 2023. Making Lantaneae (Verbenaceae) taxonomy useful: a phylogenetic classification. Taxon. Google Scholar
Yuan, Y.-W., and R.G. Olmstead. 2008. A species-level phylogenetic study of the Verbena complex (Verbenaceae) indicates two independent intergeneric chloroplast transfers. Molec. Phylogen. & Evol. 48: 23-33. Google Scholar