Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial found in moist forests, usually under conifers and rhododendrons.
Stems: Stem an unbranched, glandular-hairy flowering scape bearing a few bracts.
Leaves: Leaves 3-7 in a basal rosette, petiolate, oval to oblong-elliptic, 1/2-1 1/4 in. long, dark green with light green mid-vein and side veins.
Flowers: Flowers in a narrow, lax terminal spike covered with glandular hairs, mostly on one side of the spike; white (may be green-tinged); 1/4 in. long; hairy; consisting of 2 petals and 1 sepal forming a hood over a lower, sac-like lip-petal with downward-pointing tip and 2 flanking white sepals.
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
Height: 4-9 in.
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description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial found in moist forests, usually under conifers and rhododendrons.
stems: Stem an unbranched, glandular-hairy flowering scape bearing a few bracts.
leaves: Leaves 3-7 in a basal rosette, petiolate, oval to oblong-elliptic, 1/2-1 1/4 in. long, dark green with light green mid-vein and side veins.
flowers: Flowers in a narrow, lax terminal spike covered with glandular hairs, mostly on one side of the spike; white (may be green-tinged); 1/4 in. long; hairy; consisting of 2 petals and 1 sepal forming a hood over a lower, sac-like lip-petal with downward-pointing tip and 2 flanking white sepals.
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
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