Intro: Stout, erect annual of disturbed areas; native of the Plains states and often cultivated in gardens and agricultural fields.
Stems: Stems stout, branched, rough and hairy.
Leaves: Leaves mostly alternate (except lowermost), long-petiolate, oval, triangular or heart-shaped, 2-8 in. long, with 3 main veins, toothed, and with roughly stiff-hairy surfaces.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) solitary or in open panicles; 3-6 in. wide; consisting of 17-40 large, yellow ray florets encircling a large center disk of reddish-brown, purple or yellow tubular florets. Overlapping oval bracts with long narrow tips surround the base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a striped, finely hairy achene.
Height: 2-10 ft.
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description: Stout, erect annual of disturbed areas; native of the Plains states and often cultivated in gardens and agricultural fields.
stems: Stems stout, branched, rough and hairy.
leaves: Leaves mostly alternate (except lowermost), long-petiolate, oval, triangular or heart-shaped, 2-8 in. long, with 3 main veins, toothed, and with roughly stiff-hairy surfaces.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) solitary or in open panicles; 3-6 in. wide; consisting of 17-40 large, yellow ray florets encircling a large center disk of reddish-brown, purple or yellow tubular florets. Overlapping oval bracts with long narrow tips surround the base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a striped, finely hairy achene.
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