Intro: Erect, acaulescent, rhizomatous perennial of dry forests, woodland margins and roadsides.
Stems: Stems slender, arising from center of basal rosette, green or purple, mostly leafless, hairy at base.
Leaves: Leaves basal, elliptic-oblong with broadly rounded tips, 1 1/2-6 in. long, green with reddish-purple vein, with (often) black dots above and reddish-purple beneath, hairy.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in wide-branching terminal cluster; heads 1/2-3/4 in. wide, consisting of many yellow ray florets with squared-off, toothed tips. Many green, glandular-hairy bracts surround the cylindrical base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a fluffy cluster of achenes with pale yellow tufts of hair.
Height: 10-32 in.
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description: Erect, acaulescent, rhizomatous perennial of dry forests, woodland margins and roadsides.
stems: Stems slender, arising from center of basal rosette, green or purple, mostly leafless, hairy at base.
leaves: Leaves basal, elliptic-oblong with broadly rounded tips, 1 1/2-6 in. long, green with reddish-purple vein, with (often) black dots above and reddish-purple beneath, hairy.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in wide-branching terminal cluster; heads 1/2-3/4 in. wide, consisting of many yellow ray florets with squared-off, toothed tips. Many green, glandular-hairy bracts surround the cylindrical base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a fluffy cluster of achenes with pale yellow tufts of hair.
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