Intro: Erect-ascending perennial of bottomland forests, moist slope forests, swamp forests, and extending upslope to mesic or even dry sites, especially over mafic rocks.
Stems: Stems sometimes branched above, hairy.
Leaves: Basal and lower alternate leaves on petioles with leaflike stipules at the base, varying from simple and oval to pinnately divided/lobed into 3-7 toothed/lobed segments; upper stem leaves smaller, lance-shaped to oval, and simple or 3-lobed; all leaves hairy.
Flowers: Flowers solitary or in few-flowered clusters, the branches sparsely hairy; each flower creamy white, ¼-¾ in. wide, with 5 widely spaced, spreading, oblong-elliptic petals, 5 larger, spreading but soon reflexed, lance-triangular sepals, and a dense cluster of pistils and stamens in the center.
Fruits: Fruit a round, bristly head of achenes.
Height: 1-3 ft.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect-ascending perennial of bottomland forests, moist slope forests, swamp forests, and extending upslope to mesic or even dry sites, especially over mafic rocks.
stems: Stems sometimes branched above, hairy.
leaves: Basal and lower alternate leaves on petioles with leaflike stipules at the base, varying from simple and oval to pinnately divided/lobed into 3-7 toothed/lobed segments; upper stem leaves smaller, lance-shaped to oval, and simple or 3-lobed; all leaves hairy.
flowers: Flowers solitary or in few-flowered clusters, the branches sparsely hairy; each flower creamy white, ¼-¾ in. wide, with 5 widely spaced, spreading, oblong-elliptic petals, 5 larger, spreading but soon reflexed, lance-triangular sepals, and a dense cluster of pistils and stamens in the center.
fruits: Fruit a round, bristly head of achenes.
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native range: eastern North America