Intro: Creeping, mat-forming perennial of lawns, roadsides and moist pinelands; rarely seen in natural habitats.
Stems: Stems horizontal below and above the soil surface, rooting at the nodes, green or purplish-red, soft-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, rounded or kidney-shaped, 3/8-1 1/4 in. wide, palmately veined, principle veins raised on the lower surface, commonly hairy.
Flowers: Flowers solitary in leaf axils, greenish-white, less than 1/8 in. wide, the corolla bell-shaped with 5 rounded lobes, the calyx with 5 longer sepals bearing long hairs on the outer surface.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, 2-lobed capsule.
Height: 1-2 in.
plant sale text: Carolina ponyfoot is a creeping, mat-forming perennial rarely seen in its native moist pineland habitat. However, it is often found along roadsides or used in lawns as a groundcover. Its kidney-shaped leaves overlap to form dense cover, and small, white flowers bloom from spring through the summer. It grows best in loose, well-drained soil that is receives regular, thorough watering.
bloom table text:
description: Creeping, mat-forming perennial of lawns, roadsides and moist pinelands; rarely seen in natural habitats.
stems: Stems horizontal below and above the soil surface, rooting at the nodes, green or purplish-red, soft-hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, rounded or kidney-shaped, 3/8-1 1/4 in. wide, palmately veined, principle veins raised on the lower surface, commonly hairy.
flowers: Flowers solitary in leaf axils, greenish-white, less than 1/8 in. wide, the corolla bell-shaped with 5 rounded lobes, the calyx with 5 longer sepals bearing long hairs on the outer surface.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, 2-lobed capsule.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: southeastern United States