Intro: Prostrate, loosely mat-forming, evergreen perennial of deciduous and coniferous forests, stream banks, heath balds and maritime forests.
Stems: Stems branched, trailing and rooting at nodes, minutely hairy or smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, oval and truncate to rounded at the base, to 1 in. long, leathery, dark-green and noticeably veiny.
Flowers: Flowers in pairs in leaf axils, white (sometimes tinged pink), 1/2 in. long, tubular with hairs inside and opening to 4 recurved, pointed corolla lobes.
Fruits: Fruit a bright red, round drupe.
Height: to 4 in. (trailing 1/2-1 ft.)
plant sale text: Partridge-berry is a low-growing, creeping native species that produces tiny white flowers in late spring, followed by edible bright red berries that persist into the winter. Its small rounded deep green leaves look good throughout the year. Partridge-berry is slow to get established but needs little care under optimal conditions. Be sure to keep fallen leaves from accumulating on top of this plant, lest it be smothered. This species makes a fine evergreen groundcover.
bloom table text:
description: Prostrate, loosely mat-forming, evergreen perennial of deciduous and coniferous forests, stream banks, heath balds and maritime forests.
stems: Stems branched, trailing and rooting at nodes, minutely hairy or smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, oval and truncate to rounded at the base, to 1 in. long, leathery, dark-green and noticeably veiny.
flowers: Flowers in pairs in leaf axils, white (sometimes tinged pink), 1/2 in. long, tubular with hairs inside and opening to 4 recurved, pointed corolla lobes.
fruits: Fruit a bright red, round drupe.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: eastern North America