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Epigaea repens Linnaeus. Trailing Arbutus, Mayflower, Ground Laurel. Phen: Late Feb-early May; Apr-Jun. Hab: In a wide variety of acidic forests, xeric to mesic, sandy, rocky, and loamy. Dist: NL (Newfoundland) and QC west to MB, south to FL Panhandle, MS, and MN.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Other Comments: At maturity, the fruits split along the sutures, exposing tiny brown seeds embedded in "sticky, white, placental tissue" which is "distinctly sweet to the taste;" ants are strongly attracted to the placental tissue, and in carrying it away disperse the seeds (Clay 1983).

Synonymy : = C, Fl5, FNA8, G, Il, K1, K3, K4, Mi, NE, NY, Pa, RAB, S, Tat, Tn, Va, W, WH3, WV, Luteyn et al (1996); > Epigaea repens L. var. glabrifolia Fernald – F; > Epigaea repens L. var. repens – F

Links to other floras: = Epigaea repens - FNA8

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image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Erik Danielson source | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Alan M. Cressler | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Erik Danielson source | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Prostrate, shrubby perennial found in a variety of moist to dry habitats on acidic soils, including heath balds and exposed banks in rocky or sandy woodlands.

Stems: Stems creeping, reddish-brown, lightly woody and densely hairy.

Leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate, oval, 2-3 in. long, leathery-evergreen with rough texture, covered in rust-colored hairs when new.


Flowers: Flowers in short clusters from axils of terminal leaves, often concealed beneath leaves; white to pink; to 1/2 in. long; trumpet-shaped with 5 spreading corolla lobes; fragrant.

Fruits: Fruit a pea-sized berry-like capsule that changes from green to red, then purple; contains hundreds of tiny brown seeds embedded in a sticky white tissue that is attractive to ants.


Height: 4-6 in.

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Prostrate, shrubby perennial found in a variety of moist to dry habitats on acidic soils, including heath balds and exposed banks in rocky or sandy woodlands.

stems: Stems creeping, reddish-brown, lightly woody and densely hairy.

leaves: Leaves alternate, short-petiolate, oval, 2-3 in. long, leathery-evergreen with rough texture, covered in rust-colored hairs when new.


flowers: Flowers in short clusters from axils of terminal leaves, often concealed beneath leaves; white to pink; to 1/2 in. long; trumpet-shaped with 5 spreading corolla lobes; fragrant.

fruits: Fruit a pea-sized berry-like capsule that changes from green to red, then purple; contains hundreds of tiny brown seeds embedded in a sticky white tissue that is attractive to ants.


cultural notes:

germination code:

native range: eastern North America