Intro: Erect perennial of blackwater swamps, pools and banks of creeks and rivers, often found in floating mats of vegetation.
Stems: Stems unbranched, leafy and smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile-clasping, lance-shaped, to 10 in. long (reduced up the stem), with prominent parallel veins, thick and fleshy.
Flowers: Flowers in a crowded, terminal spikelike raceme, each with a leaflike bract; flowers green, about ½ in. wide, consisting of 3 sepals and 3 petals that are divided into very narrow segments, making the bloom resemble a spider; a slender spur curves below each flower.
Comments: At night flowers emit a strong vanilla-like fragrance that attracts moth pollinators.
Height: 4-20 in.
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description: Erect perennial of blackwater swamps, pools and banks of creeks and rivers, often found in floating mats of vegetation.
stems: Stems unbranched, leafy and smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile-clasping, lance-shaped, to 10 in. long (reduced up the stem), with prominent parallel veins, thick and fleshy.
flowers: Flowers in a crowded, terminal spikelike raceme, each with a leaflike bract; flowers green, about ½ in. wide, consisting of 3 sepals and 3 petals that are divided into very narrow segments, making the bloom resemble a spider; a slender spur curves below each flower.
comments: At night flowers emit a strong vanilla-like fragrance that attracts moth pollinators.
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