Intro: Coarse, erect perennial of cove forests, rich oak-hickory forests, northern hardwood forests and clearings at middle and high elevations.
Stems: Stems conspicuously 6- to 8-grooved, unbranched, sometimes red-tinged, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, 2-10 in. long, green on both sides; lower leaves broadly kidney-shaped with widely notched base and round-toothed margins; upper leaves kidney- to oval-shaped, notched to nearly flat at the base, with sharply toothed margins.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a many-branched, terminal cluster; heads greenish-white, to 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 5 tubular disk florets, each with 5 tightly curled corolla lobes, from which protrudes a split style encased in brown column of stamens. The cylindric base of the head is a tube composed of 5 whitish-green, oblong bracts.
Fruits: Fruit a dark brown to purple, oblong achene with tuft of white hairs.
Height: 3-8 ft.
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description: Coarse, erect perennial of cove forests, rich oak-hickory forests, northern hardwood forests and clearings at middle and high elevations.
stems: Stems conspicuously 6- to 8-grooved, unbranched, sometimes red-tinged, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, 2-10 in. long, green on both sides; lower leaves broadly kidney-shaped with widely notched base and round-toothed margins; upper leaves kidney- to oval-shaped, notched to nearly flat at the base, with sharply toothed margins.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a many-branched, terminal cluster; heads greenish-white, to 1/4 in. wide, consisting of 5 tubular disk florets, each with 5 tightly curled corolla lobes, from which protrudes a split style encased in brown column of stamens. The cylindric base of the head is a tube composed of 5 whitish-green, oblong bracts.
fruits: Fruit a dark brown to purple, oblong achene with tuft of white hairs.
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native range: eastern United States