Intro: Mat-forming, creeping perennial found in shaded, rocky, gravelly or mossy seeps and seepage swamps.
Stems: Stems forking and creeping, with some reddish tint.
Leaves: Leaves mostly opposite, short-petiolate, round to widely oval, to ½ in. long, shallowly lobed or toothed.
Flowers: Flowers mostly solitary at ends of branches or in upper leaf axils, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow with a ring of 4 or 8 red anthers.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, 2-lobed capsule.
Height: 2-12 in.
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description: Mat-forming, creeping perennial found in shaded, rocky, gravelly or mossy seeps and seepage swamps.
stems: Stems forking and creeping, with some reddish tint.
leaves: Leaves mostly opposite, short-petiolate, round to widely oval, to ½ in. long, shallowly lobed or toothed.
flowers: Flowers mostly solitary at ends of branches or in upper leaf axils, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow with a ring of 4 or 8 red anthers.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, 2-lobed capsule.
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