Intro: Erect wiry annual of bogs, swamps, savannas, pocosin ecotones, pocosins and dune swales.
Stems: Stem stiff and often twisted, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, scale-like.
Flowers: Flowers erect in a narrow, raceme-like panicle; yellowish-green, less than 1/4 in. long, egg-shaped in that they are essentially closed, consisting of 4 oblong petals that are typically pressed against the ovary and 4 short, lance-shaped sepals.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, oval capsule.
Height: 4-16 in.
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description: Erect wiry annual of bogs, swamps, savannas, pocosin ecotones, pocosins and dune swales.
stems: Stem stiff and often twisted, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, scale-like.
flowers: Flowers erect in a narrow, raceme-like panicle; yellowish-green, less than 1/4 in. long, egg-shaped in that they are essentially closed, consisting of 4 oblong petals that are typically pressed against the ovary and 4 short, lance-shaped sepals.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, oval capsule.
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