Intro: Erect annual of dry oak-hickory forests, woodlands, barrens, outcrops, clearings, riverside prairies and weedy, disturbed habitats.
Stems: Stems occasionally branched, light to medium green and densely hairy.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, elliptic to lance-shaped, to 3 in. long, with round-toothed margins, sparsely hairy; leaves often crowded toward top of plant.
Flowers: Flowers in axillary clusters, each resting on a leaf-like bract that is loosely folded around a short spike of male flowers and 1-3 female flowers; male flowers 1/8 in. wide, consisting of a 4-lobed calyx, no petals, and several stamens; female flowers 1/4 in. wide, consisting of insignificant sepals, no petals, and a 3-valved, round ovary with short divided styles.
Fruits: Fruit a tiny, hairy, 3-lobed capsule.
Height: 6-24 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect annual of dry oak-hickory forests, woodlands, barrens, outcrops, clearings, riverside prairies and weedy, disturbed habitats.
stems: Stems occasionally branched, light to medium green and densely hairy.
leaves: Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, elliptic to lance-shaped, to 3 in. long, with round-toothed margins, sparsely hairy; leaves often crowded toward top of plant.
flowers: Flowers in axillary clusters, each resting on a leaf-like bract that is loosely folded around a short spike of male flowers and 1-3 female flowers; male flowers 1/8 in. wide, consisting of a 4-lobed calyx, no petals, and several stamens; female flowers 1/4 in. wide, consisting of insignificant sepals, no petals, and a 3-valved, round ovary with short divided styles.
fruits: Fruit a tiny, hairy, 3-lobed capsule.
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