Intro: Mat-forming, aggressively weedy, aquatic annual of stream banks, canals, ditches, freshwater marshes (tidal and non-tidal), swamp forests and wet disturbed places. Native of Asia, now widespread in the southeastern United States.
Stems: Stems reclining or prostrate, freely forking or branched, extensively creeping and rooting at lower nodes.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile with tubular sheaths bearing stiff hairs, linear to lance-shaped, 3/4-2 3/4 in. long.
Flowers: Flowers solitary from upper leaf axils or sheaths, or in small clusters of 2-4; pinkish- or purplish-white; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 3 oval petals and 6 bearded stamens (3 fertile and 3 non-fertile).
Fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
Height: 8-59 in.
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description: Mat-forming, aggressively weedy, aquatic annual of stream banks, canals, ditches, freshwater marshes (tidal and non-tidal), swamp forests and wet disturbed places. Native of Asia, now widespread in the southeastern United States.
stems: Stems reclining or prostrate, freely forking or branched, extensively creeping and rooting at lower nodes.
leaves: Leaves alternate, sessile with tubular sheaths bearing stiff hairs, linear to lance-shaped, 3/4-2 3/4 in. long.
flowers: Flowers solitary from upper leaf axils or sheaths, or in small clusters of 2-4; pinkish- or purplish-white; about 1/3 in. wide; consisting of 3 oval petals and 6 bearded stamens (3 fertile and 3 non-fertile).
fruits: Fruit an oval capsule.
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