Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of wet meadows, bogs and prairies.
Stems: Stems 1-several in a clump, stout, with 30+ nodes below the inflorescence; spreading-hairy to stiff-hairy, at least above, and also with stalked glands above.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, crowded, sessile with heart-shaped and clasping base, lance- to elliptic-lance-shaped, 3/4-4 3/4 in. long, with slightly down-rolled margins, rough-hairy above and soft-hairy beneath.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a short terminal panicle; heads 3/4-1 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 45-100 violet-purple (rarely pink or white) narrow ray florets encircling a center disk of yellow tubular florets. 3-5 series of green (sometimes purple-tinged), spreading, linear to lance-shaped bracts surround the bowl-shaped base of each head.
Fruits: Fruit a tan-tufted achene.
Height: 3-4 ft.
plant sale text: Of the several hundred species of asters native to North America, New England aster is among the most attractive. Often found in fields and wet meadows of the Eastern United States, this aster flowers best with at least a half-day of sun. Numerous purple flowers with yellow centers appear in late summer. Its stems can be cut back in June to produce a more compact plant. This perennial is a must-have for attracting butterflies. It also makes a fine cut flower.
bloom table text:
description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of wet meadows, bogs and prairies.
stems: Stems 1-several in a clump, stout, with 30+ nodes below the inflorescence; spreading-hairy to stiff-hairy, at least above, and also with stalked glands above.
leaves: Leaves alternate, crowded, sessile with heart-shaped and clasping base, lance- to elliptic-lance-shaped, 3/4-4 3/4 in. long, with slightly down-rolled margins, rough-hairy above and soft-hairy beneath.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in a short terminal panicle; heads 3/4-1 1/2 in. wide, consisting of 45-100 violet-purple (rarely pink or white) narrow ray florets encircling a center disk of yellow tubular florets. 3-5 series of green (sometimes purple-tinged), spreading, linear to lance-shaped bracts surround the bowl-shaped base of each head.
fruits: Fruit a tan-tufted achene.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: North America