Intro: Erect or ascending, widely branching to bushy perennial found in moist to dry forests, woodlands and clearings.
Stems: Stems with loosely ascending branches, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, loosely spreading or drooping on slender petioles, oval to oval-oblong, to 3½ in. long, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in large clusters at tips of branches and smaller ones in leaf axils, flowering simultaneously; white often pink-tinged or pink with red stripes inside; less than ½ in long; tubular-bell-shaped with 5 spreading to recurved corolla lobes; fragrant.
Fruits: Fruit a dangling pair of cylindrical-linear, slightly curved follicles containing silky-tufted seeds.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Erect or ascending, widely branching to bushy perennial found in moist to dry forests, woodlands and clearings.
stems: Stems with loosely ascending branches, smooth.
leaves: Leaves opposite, loosely spreading or drooping on slender petioles, oval to oval-oblong, to 3½ in. long, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in large clusters at tips of branches and smaller ones in leaf axils, flowering simultaneously; white often pink-tinged or pink with red stripes inside; less than ½ in long; tubular-bell-shaped with 5 spreading to recurved corolla lobes; fragrant.
fruits: Fruit a dangling pair of cylindrical-linear, slightly curved follicles containing silky-tufted seeds.
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