Intro: Sprawling perennial growing in rich cove forests, particularly along brook banks, in seepages, and in periglacial boulderfields with seepage, primarily over mafic rocks.
Stems: Stems weak and sprawling, sparsely branching, smooth.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, roundish in outline, to 6 in. wide, palmately and deeply divided into 3-7 coarsely toothed, wedge-shaped segments.
Flowers: Flowers in loose, elongate panicles from upper leaf axils and stem end; yellowish-white or cream; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 5 yellowish-white petal-like sepals, the uppermost one shaped like a hood or helmet, that enclose 2 smaller petals.
Fruits: Fruit a beaked, ellipsoid follicle.
Comments: This species is more restricted in distribution and habitat than A. uncinatum (see p. xx), but the two sometimes occur together. It is considered a southern Appalachian endemic.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Sprawling perennial growing in rich cove forests, particularly along brook banks, in seepages, and in periglacial boulderfields with seepage, primarily over mafic rocks.
stems: Stems weak and sprawling, sparsely branching, smooth.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, roundish in outline, to 6 in. wide, palmately and deeply divided into 3-7 coarsely toothed, wedge-shaped segments.
flowers: Flowers in loose, elongate panicles from upper leaf axils and stem end; yellowish-white or cream; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 5 yellowish-white petal-like sepals, the uppermost one shaped like a hood or helmet, that enclose 2 smaller petals.
fruits: Fruit a beaked, ellipsoid follicle.
comments: This species is more restricted in distribution and habitat than A. uncinatum (see p. xx), but the two sometimes occur together. It is considered a southern Appalachian endemic.
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