Intro: A non-native, perennial vine that clambers over other plants; prefers disturbed habitat, though it is sometimes seen in natural areas. Native of Europe.
Stems: Stems sprawling or climbing, branched, purple and slightly hairy when young (becoming brown and woody with age).
Leaves: Leaves alternate, on minutely winged petioles, arrowhead-shaped with 2 basal lobes, to nearly 4 in. long, mostly smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in a few drooping clusters of 6-20, from stems or axils of leaves; purple or violet; consisting of petals bent backward and upward around a central downward-pointing "cone" of united stamens.
Fruits: Fruit a shiny, oval berry that starts out green and turns scarlet when ripe.
Comments: Stem and leaves have a strong odor when bruised.
Height: 2-8 ft. (long)
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description: A non-native, perennial vine that clambers over other plants; prefers disturbed habitat, though it is sometimes seen in natural areas. Native of Europe.
stems: Stems sprawling or climbing, branched, purple and slightly hairy when young (becoming brown and woody with age).
leaves: Leaves alternate, on minutely winged petioles, arrowhead-shaped with 2 basal lobes, to nearly 4 in. long, mostly smooth.
flowers: Flowers in a few drooping clusters of 6-20, from stems or axils of leaves; purple or violet; consisting of petals bent backward and upward around a central downward-pointing "cone" of united stamens.
fruits: Fruit a shiny, oval berry that starts out green and turns scarlet when ripe.
comments: Stem and leaves have a strong odor when bruised.
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native range: Europe & Asia