Intro: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of moist forests over calcareous rocks, such as limestone.
Stems: Stems hairy and often with white-waxy coating, exuding a yellow-orange sap when broken.
Leaves: Leaves basal (an additional pair on stem just below inflorescence, petiolate, broadly oblong to oval, to 6 in. long, pinnately divided almost to the mid-vein into 5-7 bluntly lobed/toothed segments, smooth and dark green above and silvery hairy beneath, exuding a yellow-orange sap.
Flowers: Flowers single or 2-4 in an umbel terminating the stem; yellow; 1¼-2¼ in. wide; consisting of 4 overlapping round petals, 2 light green very hairy sepals (these drop early), numerous golden yellow stamens and an ovary with a single stout style and knobby stigma.
Fruits: Fruit a densely hairy, nodding, oval capsule.
Height: 12-18 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect, rhizomatous perennial of moist forests over calcareous rocks, such as limestone.
stems: Stems hairy and often with white-waxy coating, exuding a yellow-orange sap when broken.
leaves: Leaves basal (an additional pair on stem just below inflorescence, petiolate, broadly oblong to oval, to 6 in. long, pinnately divided almost to the mid-vein into 5-7 bluntly lobed/toothed segments, smooth and dark green above and silvery hairy beneath, exuding a yellow-orange sap.
flowers: Flowers single or 2-4 in an umbel terminating the stem; yellow; 1¼-2¼ in. wide; consisting of 4 overlapping round petals, 2 light green very hairy sepals (these drop early), numerous golden yellow stamens and an ovary with a single stout style and knobby stigma.
fruits: Fruit a densely hairy, nodding, oval capsule.
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native range: eastern United States