Intro: Erect annual of dry soils of woodlands, road banks and woods-roads.
Stems: Stems round or 4-angled, branched, glandular-hairy.
Leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval-elliptic, to 1 in. long, with a few blunt teeth toward the tip, gland-dotted.
Flowers: Flowers in small whorls at leaf nodes, a pair of leafy bracts at the base of each flower; light blue to lavender; less than 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular and split into 2 lips, the upper one 2-lobed and the lower 3-lobed and purple-spotted. The tubular calyx has 5 teeth, 13 prominent nerves and becomes flask-shaped at maturity.
Height: 4-16 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect annual of dry soils of woodlands, road banks and woods-roads.
stems: Stems round or 4-angled, branched, glandular-hairy.
leaves: Leaves opposite, petiolate, oval-elliptic, to 1 in. long, with a few blunt teeth toward the tip, gland-dotted.
flowers: Flowers in small whorls at leaf nodes, a pair of leafy bracts at the base of each flower; light blue to lavender; less than 1/4 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; tubular and split into 2 lips, the upper one 2-lobed and the lower 3-lobed and purple-spotted. The tubular calyx has 5 teeth, 13 prominent nerves and becomes flask-shaped at maturity.
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